Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Star's Responsibility: Call In The Police (Part V)

I cannot understand the Windsor Star at all. I wanted to wait a bit to see if they would do the right thing and call in the authorities.

Why has mini-Gord not yet released the name of the corrupt Councillor? Why is he protecting a criminal who is in breach of trust? He is not protecting a source but is covering up for someone who knowingly and with malice breached his/her duty to Windsorites and will cost the City taxpayers millions in a bad faith claim.

You saw what the Star has done to poor Councillor Jones. As he said:
  • "It’s a shame I have to get a lawyer to prove myself innocent. I am innocent."

They don't stop either. They keep running that "June" picture of him in Council. Here is what was said Monday night before the Council meeting on "Councillor on Tap:"

  • "2) Councillors are expected to officially receive a report by the Integrity Commissioner into an information leak in the summer that was blamed for torpedoing talks in the CUPE strike. The commissioner's probe into that leak revealed that "hundreds" of calls had been made by Coun. Ron Jones to CUPE leader Jean Fox during the strike. That information, presented to councillors in an in-camera session last week, made its way to the media via another unauthorized leak."

I do not believe that to be a fair commentary since what was presented was the Basse report and not anything else.

I love as well that the Star has not yet said that Basse found that the leak came from the City, not CUPE, and that everything said trying to put the blame on CUPE was a vicious and misleading lie. Rather they keep reporting:

  • "Basse conducted more than 30 interviews and studied security videos, phone records and e-mails, but reported last Monday to Mayor Eddie Francis and council he was unable to determine the source."

They condemn Jones by his actions but do NOT condemn those who spoke to CUPE's Jim Wood considering they were not on the bargaining committee:

  • "Among those were the mayor and councillors on several occasions during informal conversations, as they strived to find a resolution to the strike."

What did the Mayor discuss? Why didn't the Star mention that on "Council on tap?"

By now, the Star editors must have asked mini-Gord who the potential Leakor was. What's the answer? If the Star has not asked, why not?

If the Star knows, where is Mr. Beneteau telling us who it is. What has he got to hide?

It is up to the police to start asking questions and to get the answers since our newspaper has failed us.

You decide if the Star deserves to continue to receive your subscription money. You know what decision I made. I cancelled mine and am glad I did.

Perhaps, on the other hand, there is another explantion. Perhaps......well I will let you figure out what that means. If true, then it is even more shameful!

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