Monday, December 7, 2009

Hamilton Is Leaking Too Now

No one can make this stuff up. It is impossible!

Oh well, here is Mr. Basse's first task in Hamilton. Another leaking pandemic there.

Nice to see he can get a fee right away:

  • "Clark calls for new investigation on leaks about integrity commissioner

    Stoney Creek councillor Brad Clark says the leaked information about the possible new integrity commissioner to the media continues a culture of “bad behavior” within city government and should be investigated by the new integrity commissioner.

    “It puts Hamilton in a bad light financially, legally and morally,” says the chair of the audit and administration committee. “I think there should be an investigation.”

    The accountability and transparency committee last week approved after an incamera meeting a recommendation to refer Windsor’s integrity commissioner Earl Basse as the top candidate for Hamilton’s position. At the committee was David Broom, Joanna Chapman, Ted Charuk, Denise O’Connor and councillors Terry Whitehead and Scott Duvall. Eisenberger refused to comment on the selection at the time, saying that Hamiltonians “will be pleased with the candidate’ that is being recommended.

    The selection committee, composed of Eisenberger, Chapman, Charuk and Broom, sifted through about 70 applications since this summer to make their final selection.

    But this week Basse’s name was publicly revealed as the top candidate.

    Basse, a former RCMP officer, and former mayor for the District of Sechelt, British Columbian, as well as, the manager of investigations for the Vancouver Stock Exchange, did not return a phone call seeking comment at press time.

    “It’s ironic that the information about the integrity commissioner was leaked,” said Clark, who had been a member of the accountability and transparency committee.

    “This culture in Hamilton (about leaking sensitive information) has got to change,” said Clark. “I hope the new integrity commissioner will educate councillors and staff about their responsibilities to the corporation.”

It's just too funny!

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