Monday, December 7, 2009

BLOGExclusive----Integrity Commissioner Leaving

Windsor's Revolving Door continues to spin.

Bye Bye Mr. Basse. Nice knowing you for the time you were here. I hope you do better in Hamilton than you did in Windsor. No worries though, there are leaks there too. You will be used to it.

Councillor Jones can breathe easy. That report on his friendship is probably dead now as is the one on Mayor Francis that was never reported out, press conference or not.

Hey, do you think the BLOGMeister should apply for the job here. I would be a good Integrity Commissioner. No Member of Councillor could possibly be my "friend" so I would be completely objective.

Let me know where and when I can apply please.

  • Ex-Mountie tops list for integrity czar job

    The Hamilton Spectator
    (Dec 2, 2009)

    The leading candidate to be the city's new integrity commissioner is a former RCMP officer currently acting as Windsor's city council watchdog, The Spectator has learned.

    City hall sources say Earl Basse has emerged as the front-runner for the integrity czar position. He was one of 68 applicants who vied for the job.

    As Windsor's integrity commissioner, Basse's highest-profile case was the investigation of a leak about secret negotiations during Windsor's lengthy municipal strike this summer.

    In addition to his former post at the RCMP, Basse has acted as the mayor of the District of Sechelt, B.C.

    He was also the manager of investigations for the Vancouver Stock Exchange.

    His name is slated to be presented for approval to a council committee of the whole next week.

    The interview committee, made up of Mayor Fred Eisenberger and community members Joanna Chapman, David Broom and Ted Charuk, recommended Basse to the accountability and transparency subcommittee in a closed-door session last week.

    Chapman, who privately prosecuted former mayor Larry Di Ianni for campaign donation violations, expressed concern that Basse's name was made public before council had a chance to approve the candidate.

    "Where did you get the name?" she said. "There are some things that are public and some things that are private, and this is something that was discussed in camera."

    Basse confirmed that he had an interview with the city, but declined to comment until he has officially been offered the position

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