Monday, December 21, 2009

No 400 Building Audit Released Yet

The Mayor and Councillors all have copies.

Since most are NOT Audit Committee members, why do they have it in advance? In my opinion, it is already a public document and cannot be kept in secret any longer.

What is being held back this time that is scaring someone so much?

It was to have been distributed to the public at 8:30 AM this morning. It wasn't. It was held back for some reason because of an in camera Audit Committee Meeting at 10:30 AM.

It is now almost 2 PM and no report yet. Latest word is that it will be released after 3 PM but no one at Council Services knows when exactly.

And then at 6 PM:

Special Meeting of City Council
6:00 o'clock p.m., Council Chambers
Windsor City Hall

The item for discussion at this meeting is:

400 City Hall Square Audit Report, Part II

This will be an open session and TVCogeco Cable will broadcast this meeting
on Cable 11.

No delegations allowed either I was told. Who would be able to speak with some intelligence anyway with so little reading time allowed since it is supposed to be such a huge report .

So much for Democracy in Windsor. And a happy holiday to you too.


Even more hilarious:

  • "Please note that Windsor City Council will be meeting today (Monday, December 21, 2009) at 4:30 p.m. in the Walkerville Room (3rd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West) for a special in-camera meeting regarding the following:

    Legal Matter - 400 City Hall Square Audit Report

Circle the wagons!

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