Thursday, August 6, 2009

More Stories

Here are some items that intrigued me:


To be quite honest about it, why did Anne Jarvis of the Star interview him?

I do not remember him being a major force of reason during the strike. Frankly, who cares what he has to say! Is someone trying to rehabilitate him aready after the canal mess so that he can be credible as a Mayoral candidate to split the vote if Eddie runs again or to provide an alternative to Bill Marra.

He was even mentioned in a Star Editorial too

Yes, I am talking about Dave Cooke
  • "Said former Windsor MPP Dave Cooke: "Both sides have to keep in mind that this has been heartfelt on both sides. There have been mistakes made on both sides."

    But, he said, "for the sake of the city, for the sake of the individuals, we have to move on. We really have to..."

    That's the bigger question, says Cooke: how to rebuild the tattered relationship. You can't have successful public policy if morale is in the toilet.

    Council will have to take a good, long look at what went wrong, too, said Cooke.

    Clearly, he said, there were major problems in the way the city handled the dispute.

    "I can't really recall a situation where it has been that chaotic," he said, citing individual members of council writing on blogs and calling meetings, disrupting negotiations and exacerbating the tension.

    This dispute might have eclipsed the 99-day Ford strike of 1945, but unlike that historic event, this one will be remembered for how not to handle a labour dispute.

    Councillors will have to come to grips with the mistakes they made and learn from them, said Cooke.

    "If they can't do this," he said, "then they don't deserve to be there."

I liked Anne's last line especially:

  • "Keep your eye on the prize."

It looks like the Star and Dave sure are!


Sources claim that we should expect an announcement from Warden Nelson Santos within the next few weeks that he will be seeking the Liberal nomination to run against incumbent MP Jeff Watson.

It is expected that 4 or 5 County Mayors will endorse him almost immediately. I wonder if Eddie will send him a letter as he did for Sandra. Or will Eddie continue to support his newest, bestest A+ buddy, Jeff.


Wait a minute here. I don't get this. The Mayor told the Toronto Star:

  • "75 per cent of Windsor's refuse is making its way to private dumps or three city-operated drop sites. "It all depends what happens with the trash," he warned.

That sounded very exact to me. But now we hear in the Star:

  • "Leave it at the curb," said Colleen Labutte, supervisor of environmental services for the city.

    Mayor Eddie Francis and council have decided there will be no overtime paid to catch up on any of the city's waste pickup, grass-cutting or other services. Collection workers will simply pick up where they left off at the end of each eight-hour shift.

    How far behind collection could end up each day for the next few weeks remains uncertain because it's not known how much garbage or recycling homeowners have stashed away during the 101-day strike by outside city workers."


Could this be the real reason that CUPE had so much trouble in this strike? Our Mayor claimed:

  • "No question Mother Nature's been on our side," said Francis."

He better watch it however


Good to see the MEPCO letter dealing with OMERS contributions dated July 7 but scanned on July 24 made the Council Communications package.

The letter suggests that that a comprehensive funding strategy is needed since there will be fewer enrolled members, more retirees and a $6B actuarial deficit in the Plan.

My own view is that CUPE Windsor and the City should consider setting up a joint Committee immediately to determine whether they should remain in OMERS or look for an alternative. After all, someone has to pay for that deficit.

My own view, as I have expressed before, is to pull out since that may well be in the best interest of everyone, employees and taxpayers.


Since the Mayor's Motion failed, Councillors are alright Jack unless Councillor Hatfield's grandstanding gesture works out. No one else is:
  • "Since a 1950 bylaw was put in place, the city has provided lifetime coverage for employees, spouses and dependents...

    That has ended for new hires...

    Francis and administrators indicated Friday they will seek the same concession with the city's fire, police, Transit Windsor and Huron Lodge unionized employees during upcoming contract talks."

Did you notice that Eddie did NOT mention Councillors.


Oh it is not going to be a toll road according to the Ontario Government. However, what will the P3 partner earn over the term of its concession for financing the construction of the DRIC Road that will be funded by taxpayers now not users?

An interesting story out of Australia about Macquarie Infrastructure Group and its adventures in US toll roads. They do not have to worry about the number of users as tolls are allowed to rise to generate profits. Oh my aching pocketbook:

  • "the number of transactions on the Indiana Toll Road decreased 9.5 percent in Fiscal Year 2009 compared to the previous year while total traffic dropped 6.4 percent. Unless it sells its ownership interest in the road, Macquarie will collect tolls until the year 2081.

    The situation is the same in other parts of the country where Macquarie runs the roads. Traffic dropped 5.1 percent on the Dulles Greenway in Virginia where Macquarie’s ownership lasts until the year 2056. Traffic dropped only 1.9 percent on the Skyway in Chicago, Illinois where Macquarie will collect tolls until the year 2104

    Fewer people driving on the tolls roads, however, does not mean any loss in revenue. To the contrary, thanks to toll hikes, Macquarie’s US toll roads saw profit grow between 2.9 and 11.6 percent. This is so because the states that signed deals with the Australian company ensured that no matter how bad the economic conditions might be, Macquarie would enjoy an increase in the amount of tolls greater than the rate of inflation. In Chicago, for example, the toll will eventually rise to $21 to take a one-way trip that lasts less than eight miles."

I am not sure what this financial gobbledygook means but it is not good I would bet for those who want to invest a lot of money in infrastructure unless great care is taken.

  • "it is Macquarie’s complex and highly leveraged debt structure that has raised questions about long-term viability... MIG wrote down its asset value by 28 percent, from $7.1 billion to $5.1 billion. This comes on top of the 25 percent write down last year leaving MIG worth A$3.5 billion less than it was worth in June 2008.

    “The anticipated portfolio valuation has been primarily affected by lower forecast traffic volumes, changes to asset discount rates, and the impact of movements in foreign exchange rates,” MIG said in a June 30, 2009 release. “However a continuation of higher assumed financing costs, and changes to interest rates and inflation rates across the portfolio have also contributed to this reduction.”


If not, it is too late now.

Unlike the Undevelopment Commission, forget about delays in filling senior positions for an eternity. Who needs headhunters especially from BC. Get the letter of request out on the 24th and expect interested candidates to have their CVs in by month end. Wow, that is working fast.
  • Friday, July 24, 2009

    Dear Tourism Stakeholder,

    In our continuing effort to move forward as we transition into a new tourism entity we're looking for a Chief Executive Officer to lead Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island!

    Chief Executive Officer
    Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island...

    The Board of Directors, involving industry and municipal representatives, is seeking the services of an energetic, experienced and innovative tourism marketing professional. Supported by a staff of eight marketing, product development and research specialists, this organizational leader will champion tourism marketing and development in the Windsor Essex Pelee Island region while working directly with a diverse group of industry operators, community organizations, municipalities and other stakeholders.

    The Chief Executive Officer will have ten years of relevant marketing leadership experience: outstanding communication and organizational skills; and the ability to motivate volunteers, staff and the community to achieve the potential of this industry. This leader will have a comprehensive and evident understanding of marketing and communication techniques and strategies, the capacity to forge successful partnerships and build consensus amongst diverse constituents and interests, and is committed to the achievement of measureable results.

    For a complete job description, please go to If you are interested in this position, please submit your resume and application by July 31...

    Last day to submit resumes is Friday, July 31, 2009.

    Thank you for your support!

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