Friday, August 28, 2009

BLOGEXTRA--The Real Strike Victims

I do not mean the CUPE workers who lost 15 weeks of pay either, although many of them suffered nor Windsorites who were inconvenienced by the lack of some City services.

Take a look at this note I was sent. It is shocking!

Certainly, the City cannot be blamed for this...didn't Eddie have this huge manual prepared in advance of the strike that dealt with every possible eventuality. Management was well-prepared to deal with the strike and its aftermath weren't they. Right!

Naw, it must be those darn CUPE people again. Why not, they are blamed for everything.

Just wait until you hear about more messes in other Departments next week.

Heaven help this City if both PETA and CUPE go on strike together with the enlightened human relations strategy demonstrated by City Hall! [Sarcasm intended]
  • "Talking about reconciliation, take a look at what the welfare office is going through following the strike that was so well managed by management.

    Allow me to translate the attached memo: There are 3,068 cheques ready to be mailed out, plus 2,981 direct bank deposits ready to be issued to recipients accounts, but check out the number of cases that are suspended and on hold for September 1st. On Tuesday, August 25th, management suddenly realized there was a little problem with the way they had handled cases during the strike and that 5,729 families were not going to receive any assistance for September 1st……no money to pay rent/mortgage, buy food, diapers, no supplies for the kids going back to school, no new clothes, shoes or anything else.. Unconscionable!

    As you can imagine, panic stations set in and overtime was “awarded” to caseworkers to fix the problem. Could you imagine 5,729 angry people on the phone and in the building demanding their money? Well as of yesterday, which was Thursday afternoon, there were “only” 3000 cases still to be manually reviewed to find out what information is missing from their individual cases in order to release their cheques. By the way, cheques are issued overnight, so any case released on Friday, the cheque will not come off the system until Monday if all goes well, stuffed in envelopes and put into the hands of Canada Post to sort and hand deliver.

    As you know, with the Labour Day weekend coming up, there are many caseworkers who have booked off on vacation next week for the entire week, of what is referred to as “cheque run”. Management has informed the staff that it could get a little busy in the office next week. A little busy? That’s the understatement of the year. This comes from the same manager who met with staff their first day back to work and told them that just because they DECIDED not to work for the past few months, the work didn’t stop, so “it is what it is” . No welcome back, no “we missed you”, no hugs, no kiss my ass, just “it is what it is”.

    To be continued….

    -----Original Message-----
    From: [Name of Person]
    Sent: August 25, 2009
    To: [Names of People]
    Cc: [Name of Person]

    Subject: September Cheque Run Information

    Wanted to share with you numbers for the upcoming cheque run.

    OW cheques to be printed - 3,068

    DBD cheques - 2,981

    Suspends - 5,729

    We have almost as many suspends as cheques ... which may result in
    heavy call volume and traffic in our lobby.


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