Sunday, August 30, 2009

Eddie's Third Term

No one takes Eddie seriously about only running for two terms so why make such a big deal about it.

Why suffer the pressures of being a lawyer and have to work hard for fees or risk one's personal capital as an entrepreneur or be in an organization and be accountable to a boss.

Senior Government positions pay well too and being a Cabinet Minister is heady stuff. But who wants to face Opposition grilling during Question Period or be watched over by a non-fawning media.

Being Mayor of Windsor is a nice job too: big salary, nice benefits, lots of taxpayer paid travel including trips overseas, little accountability and minimal oposition.

Why wouldn't a Councillor want to strive to fill that position?

Just exactly as Eddie did when Mike Hurst was Mayor. I just hope he does not try to pretend that he did not do pre-planning, the stuff over which he attacks Councillors today. He knows better than to say that.

For those of you who do not remember what Eddie said about running for two terms only, here is what he said in his Kick-off speech on Thursday, July 24, 2003 at Riverside Arena:
  • "I said to you earlier that I am not a politician and I am not running for office to be mayor for life. My term in office will be energetic, focused and inclusive. Should I be fortunate to be elected to lead our city, and should I ask the citizens for a second term …….my term is not to exceed two."
But here is something you probably did not remember at all. Was it a precursor for the future, a change of mind so quickly?

Interestingly, in his platform issued subsequently, he did not talk about his Windsor after his two terms. Rather we read:

"What will a new Windsor look like in 10 years?

  • It will be a thriving liveable community with streetscapes that are the envy of other cities.

    It will be a city that looks from the air like a forest, with a green canopy and cleaner air.

    It will be a city that attracts doctors and nurses and other professionals who want to locate here to use the world-class facilities that will have developed out of our satellite medical school, and the technologies developed at St. Clair College and the University of Windsor.

    It will be a vibrant, dynamic, multicultural City with strong and flourishing communities.

    It will have a City government that interacts easily and quickly with its citizens, each of whom will have input into city decisions and into budgeting processes – a government that is accountable for its decisions and for the way it uses your tax dollars.

    It will be a city with healthy financial reserves to fund new capital projects, improved roads and sewers, managed by an administrative group that can track every penny of spending. Windsor will be a high-tech City. Many old buildings and former industrial sites will have been transformed from “Brownfields” into productive 21st century industrial sites, and into new residential areas.

    The automotive industry will produce more cars and trucks from the new assembly plants that have located here, attracted to the modern amenities, high levels of service, easy access to the U.S. market, and municipal tax levels that are more than competitive with other regions. The casino will be doing better than ever with the expanded convention and tourism business attracted by quality facilities, such as the new arena/multipurpose complex.

    Windsor will be a leader in technology and in business, with an unbeatable work-force.

    This is my Vision for Windsor, A Fresh Perspective. I offer you a real plan that can achieve this vision. None of us doubt that Windsor can be all of this and more, provided we begin to act decisively and with a sense of determined purpose. This is the growing, thriving and prosperous Windsor I want to live in, and I invite you to join me in making it happen."

You decide for yourself how much of it has been achieved so far. Obviously 10 years have not gone by but already we can expect that many of the items will never be accomplished based on past experience.

And people should understand better about my attitude to the Mayor after reading this: why I supported Eddie initially and am so critical of his failures now! It is not personal; it is nothing more than based on his failure to achieve what he said he would accomplish to better Windsor! His words, not mine.

However those who decide to run against Eddie ought to hold him to this:


    This is a contract between Eddie Francis, and the people of the City of Windsor.

    I solemnly pledge to enact this plan, as outlined in my policy book entitled “Our Future Starts Today”

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