Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is Eddie Galvanized, Again

He ought to be given our #1 status as being the City with the highest unemployment rate in Canada for how long. And there still is no Undevelopment Commission CEO.

Remember what he said before:

  • "Francis galvanized by Maclean's grade

    You'd think no mayor in his right mind would ever want to hear in a national news journal he's at the helm of one of the country's worst-run cities.

    But Eddie Francis indicates he can actually put to good use a new survey by Maclean's magazine, which gives Windsor a slew of failing grades in categories of municipal governance, taxation, finance, transportation, environmental health and recreation.

    While not the worst Canada has to offer, Windsor is in the gutter, with an overall ranking of 26 out of 31 cities examined and rated on cost-efficiency and effectiveness...

    "I guarantee you ... we will be ahead of more than our fair share of cities," he said, adding the Maclean's study "reinforces the urgency of what we're doing."

Yes, job creation is so urgent. Why it is so urgent for our Mayor, who went overseas to discuss with his foreign-retained consultants their report about building a cargo centre that will take years to achieve if ever, and our County Warden, who has to prepare for his nomination meeting tommorrow, that this happened:

  • "Joint council meeting cancelled

    A joint meeting of Windsor and Essex County councils scheduled for today to discuss job creation has been postponed.

    Councillors were to hear from members of the Workforce Development Board of Windsor Essex about two studies it has completed.

    One says the construction of a new border crossing will create 15,185 jobs and more co-ordination is required to ensure local residents get as many of those jobs as possible.

    The other, called an Integrated Local Labour Market Plan, sets out the current job situation in the region and sets out how future opportunities should be pursued...

    The meeting with city and county council will likely be rescheduled for September, said Tony Paniccia, who heads the workforce development board."

"Likely?" Maybe. Here is how the City's website describes it:

  • "Please be advised that there will be a special joint meeting of City / County Councils respecting "Economic Development and Jobs Creation Strategy" to be scheduled in the near future. (This meeting was originally scheduled for Thursday August 13, 2009 but has been cancelled for that date.)"

Oh I so hope that nothing more important comes up again. But what the heck, they got their Star headline about 15,000 jobs to help Eddie bury Greenlink. That is all that counts.

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