Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Who Needs Councillors

Short and sweet.

There is no need for a Ward boundary review. Save the consultant fees, save the time, save the Councillor salaries. There is no need for Councillors! They are irrelevant

The Mayor and Administration do not take them seriously so why should we. We already have a single Voice of Council so who needs 10 more! And some Councillors agree too:
  • "Some (councillors) were arguing against access to information."

What my inside moles tell me that was not reported was that this matter was debated in camera after the Council meeting. A proposal was put forward to put the binder online with Councillors being given a password in order to see it and to keep it confidential.

Thus a Councillor was given a choice to look at it or not.

Apparently there was a huge outburst against even doing that and a Motion was introduced NOT to do so.

One Councillor vehemently opposed doing so and her position triumphed in a 5-4 vote. One Councillor was not at the session.

Interestingly, if the Mayor had voted to make it a 5-5 tie, the Motion would have been defeated. Now only he knows the PLANs amongst the elected officials even though
  • "There are about 30 copies of the plan circulated among the city's executive directors, general managers and few others, including the mayor, Reidel said."
I believe that Councillors should let us know who introduced the anti-Democratic Motion and who was the Councillor who spoke so strongly against releasing a document that Councillors should have seen already and who voted which way.

Anyway, who needs Council. Get rid of it! And if anyone dares speak out, the Principal will make them stay after Council and write lines:
  • "If you got a problem with one person and think someone is a leak, then deal with that person. But don't put the whole group on detention."

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