Monday, April 20, 2009

More Stories

Here are some news stories that you may have miseed. I hope that you find them of interest!


There is no doubt in my mind about it. You will think me unfair. So be it. I know what is the cause of these devices being stolen: our Mayor’s comments.

What, you must be thinking. How can this be so? Remember what the Mayor said on the CBC/CIBPA interview show:
  • “The Ambassador Bridge expansion requires the closure of Huron Church Road to the river. We believe it's important for the Coast Guard to ask the Ambassador Bridge how they are going to re-establish that connection to our downtown once their expansion takes place.”

Thieves are way ahead of everyone. They know that Americans will never find their way downtown from the Bridge and will get hopelessly lost in Windsor. Accordingly, they will have to buy GPS devices in order to find their way to downtown and back home. Stocks will dwindle at the reputable retailers quickly. Accordingly, thieves will then be able to sell at excess prices the stolen GPS units to poor, unsuspecting, bewildered Americans!


Michigan Senator Basham is one of the big oponents of the Bridge Company Enhancement Project. I happened to see his newsletter where he stated:

  • “Senator Basham Announces Federal Transportation Funding for Job Creation, Infrastructure Improvements

    Senator Basham joined his Senate colleagues in recently approving a plan that will invest $635 million in the state’s economy through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, including more than $10 million for projects in his district. These federal funds will put Michigan workers back on the job, making improvements to roads, bridges, and highways and pouring money back into the state’s struggling economy.”

Too bad that he won’t support the Bridge Company who want to spend their own money on their new bridge and not taxpayer money. The DRIC bridge will cost taxpayers billions.

Moreover, the State also will give up billions in federal matching grants.

How many jobs could have been created with that, Senator?


Do the Editors think that their readers are really that stupid? Is their opinion that low of the people who subscribe to or read their newspaper? Let’s see now:

 Dwight not talking to Windsorites
 Relying on the Integrity Act
 Letter from the Integrity Commissioner
 Dwight giving an ultimatum
 Dwight being frustrated with a City Committee
 “nothing to be gained by suggesting people are putting major, much-needed construction at risk by daring to dissent”
 Questions about the impact on safety and quality of life
 Bullying Windsorites
 Police (headed by the Mayor who was unnamed) disagree
 “If there's any room for compromise in this situation, it should start with a discussion about those additional costs”
 “ by adopting a "take it or leave it" attitude, the province has done everything possible to alienate everyone.”
 Dwight should “engage the community in a frank and meaningful discussion and find common ground

This Editorial was about the jail. If I had not told you that, I bet that you would have thought it was another one to do Eddie’s dirty work and to save his career over the Greenlink/DRIC Road fiasco



Wasn't that building to have been sold to help pay for the new Bus Terminal?

Weren't some arenas to have been sold to help pay for the East End Arena?

Weren't two properties to have been sold to help pay for the 400 building?

Perhaps we can turn those all of those properties into farmers' markets too. Hey, I even have names for them:

  • the one at the small arenas can be the Eastern End Markets based on the name of the one in Detroit
  • the 400 buildings one would be the Pickyourown Market so you could choose amongst the original Dunbar Audit, the Dunbar Report, the Phase 1 400 audit and the Phase 2 400 Audit and the sanitized audit reports. It would be a highend market too considering the costs of the products produced by expensive accountants and Toronto lawyers.
  • the old bus terminal one would be the Big Mac Attack market! Why we could offer hamburgers there since the City wanted Burger King to move to that site but they chose not to go there.


Let me see now. They said this about an Art Gallery loan:

  • "We can't afford to throw money at this," said Coun. Jo-Anne Gignac. "Our industrial tax base is disappearing, our residential taxpayers are losing their jobs. At the same time, we have a stream of people saying help us. Where are we going to get the money?"

  • "People are speaking loud and clear that times are tough and we need to be prudent with our resources," he[Councillor Dilkens] said."

Let us see how they twist and turn and fall over themselves to justify and then approve Eddie's Canal Vision, never daring to say "NO" to another Eddie Vision.

Want to know what is really scary:

  • "If council gives the go-ahead we could get a shovel in the ground this year," said Francis."


The Star wrote one "The border; A reality check is in order"

I guess the Star missed the story about the US coaches delayed in the Tunnel when it wrote:

  • "About 1,000 U.S. college coaches were housed in hotel rooms in Windsor, were transported to the games stateside in relatively short order"

The gist of what the Star was saying is:

  • "In fact, she [U.S. Homeland Security secretary, Janet Napolitano] seems to see little difference between our border and the Mexican border. The implication being that security issues should be addressed the same way on both frontiers."

Well, after the big drug busts, the shots at the car going through the Bridge, fear of an explosive at the Blue Water Bridge, the Windsor police take-down and the stolen plane going into the US, I think she is not going to listen!

Note as well that the Star is following the "Let's not worry about how many soldiers are killed in Afghanistan if we can get what we want at the border" line that is Canada's mantra these days:

  • "In the wake of 9-11, Canada has taken the threat of terrorism seriously, and that's reflected at the border, and also by the presence of our troops in Afghanistan."


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