Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie (Part 2)

Eddie, how could you do this? You are so much smarter than this!

Please tell me you were confused. Please tell me that it was not really you who said this. Please tell me that the transcription is incorrect.

If you do not do it, then there will be only one explanation for what you are saying
  • "Announcer: Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis is ticked. He says a letter from the DRIC team confirms his worst fears about the Province, that it's not concerned about the health and well-being of Windsor residents.

    The letter says the $144 million difference between Greenlink and the Windsor-Essex Parkway could be used elsewhere, like a massive tunnel project in Toronto.

    Eddie: Toronto gets 13 kilometres of covered space and by virtue of doing the math per kilometre that is now the most expensive road construction project in the history of the Province. They seem to have an appetite to do these type of projects to protect residents elsewhere, but they continue to avoid doing the right thing here. I just point that out.

    Announcer: Francis says he'll be sure to complain to the Ministry of the Environment which is currently evaluating the Parkway's environmental assessment."

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie... I know you are angry because you think you will not be in the Guiness Book of World Records as Mayor of the town that has the most expensive road in Ontario. You think that honour will now go to the Toronto Mayor.

But you are wrong. Oh Eddie, don't you get it yet. You will still hold the Guiness record. You will still be #1! Those 13 Kms are not for a "road" but for a light "SUBway." You know the difference don't you Eddie.

Wait a minute. Perhaps he does not. He is a Windsor boy and we do not have subways here, just roads. I am sure he does not use the subway in Toronto when he has Dwight to chauffeur him around. And in New York, Sam is there to show him the sights and a good time.

That is it. He is not misleading us. He just does not know the difference.

I feel so much better now!

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