Friday, April 3, 2009

BLOGMeister On Panorama Italiano

I was honoured to be invited by Luigi Tosti to be interviewed on Panorama Italiano about the CIBPA meeting and its significance.

I talked about the border file and what it means to Windsor now and in the future. I also expressed my view about the importance of what CIBPA was trying to accomplish.

Panorama Italiano will be broadcast Saturday at 2 pm on Cogeco rather than at its normal time on Sunday. But if you really want to hear what I had to say now, then go to:

You will also see some of the CIBPA meeting and hear what residents had to say. You will also see the Stamper/Francis highlights:
  • understand what CIBPA is trying to accomplish and why

  • see Eddie disregarding completely the meeting rules of speaking only for one minute as you see part of his 9 or 10 minute address

  • see Eddie wanting mediation but not telling anyone what his impossible to meet preconditions are

  • see Eddie asking for help to have the Premier bow down to him

  • be amazed at the scare "health concern for kids" tactic that Eddie uses

  • watch where Eddie backs off dramatatically from his Bridge Company opposition

  • watch Eddie never adopting CIBPA's purpose by not inviting the Bridge Company to meet with him to solve their border dispute considering that Dan Stamper was sitting only steps away from the microphone

  • listen closely to what Stamper had to say about Eddie's new found position too

  • watch how Stamper called Eddie's bluff.

  • decide who got the biggest round of applause.
CIBPA held their first organizational meeting last night. Interestingly, most of the people who signed up saying that they wanted to participate---about a quarter of the crowd at the initial meeting, something unheard of---actually attended. Some could not attend and apologized because they had other appointments and some reps from other City groups were there, but it was a huge response.

It will be fascinating to observe the importance of this grassroots citizens' movement that CIBPA started grow as new groups in the City sign up as sponsors and how citizens will finally find their outlet!

Windsor is a small town in the end. If Windsorites buy into what CIBPA is doing, then watch out. The movement can literally become a powerhouse overnight.

Here's hoping!

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