Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What Remarkable Timing

Fortune smiles on the Undevelopment Commission a few hours before their interrogation by City/County Councils today.
  • "Michigan call centre to create more jobs in Windsor

    Michigan-based call centre and software company Wizie will open a new location in Windsor eventually creating up to 120 new jobs in an announcement to be made Wednesday morning by the Windsor-Essex Development Commission, the Star has learned."

Always "eventually" though.

Here is what is strange though:

  • "The company's new Windsor location will initially begin with about 15 employees focused on research and development operations on the second floor of Windsor Airport."

Why at the airport? Is the City competing with private landlords for office space now? Is this a way to boost airport revenues since Air America folded, the big airport revenue generator?

Or has space been given away at a reduced rental or for free just to get the jobs? Is this a charge to Airport reserves too?

Perhaps someone could ask the questions today at the Joint Councils meeting.

In addition, our new Councillor/Board members ought to do something too to earn their nice new Board fees!

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