Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Older Windsor Bridge Closed For Safety Reasons

In light of this shocking news, are Governments acting irresponsibly with respect to the Ambassador Bridge?

One however should not be too concerned about a bridge where tolls are paid, provided that they are adequate, based on the comments that I have Blogged previously about what the City's traffic guru, Sam Schwartz, said. Mind you, his comments were not made in Windsor for some strange reason:

  • "government officials should be taking care of these bridges...we neglected our infrastructure. We didn’t do the very basic things...That’s what we’ve done with our bridges...If you pay a toll, by the way, on a bridge, your bridge is safe. They, they’re taking care of it; they’re doing the daily maintenance."

I wonder if the Greenlink advertising monies could be used now for a slightly more important purpose: safety of Windsorites!

By the way, the bridge should go from #3 on the Eddie Wish List to #1 I would have thought. Replacement of the bridge would cost over $11 million. There goes the canal project.

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