Monday, January 12, 2009

The End Of Our New Retirement Community Initiative

Honestly, I feel sorry for the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce, Greater Windsor Home Builders' Association and Windsor Essex County Real Estate Board. All of their efforts down the drain, in the toilet! They literally have been killed off before they even got started.

Their idea was an interesting one. They started up the concept called the Windsor-Essex Active Retirement Community Initiative
  • “a not-for-profit cooperative marketing partnership. Our mission is to attract investment, create new jobs and revitalize the real estate market throughout Windsor-Essex by building on the region's growing development of active retirement luxury properties and services, and by promoting the unique location, diverse lifestyle and quality amenities of its nine communities.”

You remember we are going to attract all those rich Torontonians and others who had lots of money who would come down to this region to retire. It made good sense. As an example, selling a home in Toronto, even with the decline in the real estate market, meant that a seniors couple could buy an equivalent home here at a much lower price, or perhaps even a condo on the new Canal, and have more than a few dollars in their pocket left over to live very well.

Forget about the fact that we do not have enough doctors for the time being. I am sure that all of our problems in that regard will be solved by our new Medical school. Okay, so I am dreaming.

Picture this… a husband and wife decide that they want to retire shortly and so go on the Internet to do a survey about where they might want to relocate. They think of Windsor because they had seen the wonderful booklet produced and distributed through the Windsor Star.

They know that the weather is good here because we have an extra long spring and fall in this part of the Province. They know as well that we are right across the River from a major metropolitan city in the United States. Everyone knows that the cost of living down here is pretty good as well. We have the advantages of Canada and the advantages of the United States, the best of both worlds.

They go to the website which is very well done and follow the links so they get a better appreciation of this region. Imagine how excited they are. Really, what other location could be better.

Just before they decide to drive down here to investigate first-hand and perhaps even put a downpayment on a new residence, they do one last search on Google to see what they can find. Here are some of the things they may see:

  • “It's going to be rough. We are in deep s**t. It will catch up to us and have a significant impact," said Francis...

    Financial markets are crumbling. And guess who's left on Main Street to deal with all these issues? The taxpayer," said Francis...”

  • “The reality is that without immediate action by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario, this country and this province will lose a city,” Francis said in letters to the prime minister and premier…

    Francis said “the combined loss, and impact on the community, will be staggering.

    “At this stage, a refusal by the federal and provincial government to act is nothing less than a decision to allow the death of a community.”

Can you imagine the sweat that is now coming out on the brows of these two people? They are looking at each other saying

  • “What were we thinking?”

What they are being told by our Mayor is to expect higher taxes in a community that may be dead economically even if the automobile industry recovers. I would expect that they would start to wonder whether this would be a good area to come and buy a new house and to live comfortably as they grow older notwithstanding the pluses.

Then the pièce de résistance, the ultimate statement by our Mayor which they might find on the video on the Windsor Star website:

  • “Again, I think that has been the fundamental issue. It is not an issue of want, it is not an issue of need. It is an issue of fairness and quality. Our residents, their lives and the quality of life they lead should be of equal value for all residents across Ontario and across this country. This very report, this Human Health Assessment report, clearly identifies that Health Canada has already done a study that indicated that Windsor has higher rates when it comes to cancer, when it comes to cardio-vascular issues, when it comes to health affects as a result of air pollution. This report clearly identifies that in 2035 that we are going to continue to suffer high rates as it relates to respiratory issues, as it relates to exposure to particulate matter, as it relates to chronic lung issues, as it relates to cancer. We are not asking for something we want, for something we need. We are asking for the insurance that the residents of Windsor are valued the same way that the residents of Ontario and Canada.”

He looks at her. She looks at him. High taxes, a dead City, cancer, cardiovascular issues, air pollution, respiratory issues, exposure to particulate matter, chronic lung issues. The Mouse pointer goes to the “X” in the top right corner of the Retirehere website, there is a click and that is the end of the Windsor as a possibility.

Do we have big issues in Windsor? Of course we do as do other areas across the country.

Is there the need to make a point with the Senior Levels? Of course there is in order for us to get our fair share.

Do we need hyperbole or exaggeration which makes a good headline or a sound bite for a short-term political advantage but which will turn around and hurt us when we try to move forward? Of course we do not.

We do not need a Mayor who slams naysayers and yet is the biggest naysayer of all for this Region. Our Mayor needs to start thinking before he starts talking any more.

Fortunately for us, if our Mayor keeps his promise, he will only be a two-term Mayor. Unfortunately for us, his words on the Internet may be around and continue to haunt us for a very long time.

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