Sunday, January 18, 2009

More On the Underdevelopment Commission

It's an old political stratagem!

You might wonder why the WEDC is in the news so much lately. Given that the Chair was a successful politician, he knows how to play the media and how to get the good news out there right before a momentous occasion. It is appearance not reality that is fundamental for a successful campaign.

The news will get out even if it costs money to buy two pages in the Windsor Star unless the Star gave away the space at no cost as part of their contribution to boost the Region. Mind you, with the financial position of Canwest these days, notwithstanding Councillor Loopy’s unfortunate comments, that might not make good sense to the bean-counters at Head Office.

Here is what that event is:
  • “A Joint Meeting of County and City Councils will be held on
    Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 4:00 o'clock p.m.

    Business items”

    4. a) Windsor-Essex Development Commission---- Update”

Yes, the virtually invisible Windsor Essex Development Commission, except for when it asks for more money, has been a lot more visible in the media over the last few weeks. Not all of it has been good publicity either.

Nevertheless, there is a need to pretend that they are doing something when they expect to be interrogated by at least the County politicians. The City ones are mere pussycats who will approve anything that the Mayor wants.

There was a nice Star editorial about them early in the January to start off the year. Wasn’t that helpful of them? Perhaps there might be another glossy magazine to be distributed across Canada this year. I wonder if the members of the Credit Union who have sunk in so much money are also as helpful.

We saw the momentous announcement that they were able to help bring a few more call centre jobs to the City. Then in Councillor Halberstadt’s BLOG, we saw some interesting news about the exciting concept created by Professor Aggarwal who

  • “is now toiling diligently on behalf of the University of Windsor and the broader region to nurture a fledgling group, dubbed Softech Alliance, to steal software development business away from India.”

The WEDC is mentioned but only very briefly in the story. It is a good thing too. This initiative was started almost a year ago:

  • “March 20, 2008
    Windsor — The WindsorEssex Development Commission is launching the region’s first alliance of local businesses and researchers, with a focus on system technologies and services.

    Dr. Akshai Aggarwal of the University of Windsor’s School of Computer Science and the WEDC jointly conceived this initiative. Aggarwal and Dr. Richard Caron, dean of the Faculty of Science, believe that the region’s economy will benefit from the continued development of a strong computer software sector.

    Softech Alliance (SA) is being developed in partnership with the Ministry for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Ontario Centres of Excellence, National Research Council and local educational institutions.”

Here is why I am so negative about the Development Commission

  • “The U of W’s aging Lambton Tower, which houses the computer science department, is a long way from the Accelerator Centre or Silicon Valley, but it is pushing in the right direction.

    “Waterloo started 20-25 years ago,” says Aggarwal. “It takes a long time to build a reputation. To destroy one doesn’t take any time. Windsor doesn’t know much about us.”

What has WEDC been doing since March? I cannot believe that they would focus on call centre jobs rather than helping the Professor develop his concept.

Apparently “several provincial and federal government incentive programs designed to stimulate the growth sector of Information Communication Technology.” How has the Commission helped the Professor take advantage of some of those programs? I have not asked the Professor but I think I can guess the answer.

I do remember in their two page advertisement that they said:

  • “the WEDC has close to 20 projects in the pipeline… Details on potential projects must necessarily be held in confidence.”

Trust us. We are doing something. Yes, in this way there is no accountability either.

Speaking of confidentiality, it has not been a very good time for the Chair of the Commission either.

  • “Development agency secrecy assailed”

There was criticism by the County Warden since the Commission has still not found a CEO for about a year although they found a new Vice President very quickly:

  • “There's no question that without a leader at the head of the commission, it presents a number of challenges for us in attracting investment to the region," said Nelson Santos, warden of Essex County and mayor of Kingsville.”

In fact, Mayor McNamara cannot even find out who is on the recruitment committee for the CEO:

  • “The mayor said Wednesday his frustration boiled over recently when he couldn't find out the names of the commission committee that's doing the search for a new CEO.”

I expect that a good part of the Presentation will be taking us through all of their new marketing material. I trust as well that someone will lead us through their prize-winning new website too. It is too bad however that they did not have enough time to seek out all of the companies that are now in the aerospace industry for the website so that the list of businesses would reflect what is actually going on in this Community.

Now I know that some of you may think that I am being very unkind to the Commission. I am and I do not apologize for it. However, I am not the only one. Here is a letter that was distributed recently that expresses very well the frustration with the existing Commission.

  • “The recent announcement by Mr. Mancini last night through the media requesting additional funding for his organization was rather disturbing.

    I have copied the media on this correspondence, as this request was made in such a forum.

    I wish to go on record, that, Mikhail Holdings has taken a different position of this commission, and would ask for an opportunity to address council on this matter.

    Our position, as I have discussed in previous correspondence is that this commission, at the very least should be arguing for their existence, rather than their expansion. The fact that Mr. Mancini saw fit to place a cost per individual taxpayer for funding this group, and has indicated that this area is underfunded in comparison to other communities is a standard bureaucratic argument made by politicians to justify their cause and or growth.

    Business people however have a different yard stick for valuation … it is quiet simply called RESULTS …. Mr. Mancini must bring in a scorecard of activities and success in his argument for more funds from struggling tax payers. To date we see no accountability for how funds have been spent or how additional funds will be spent. From our side of the fence, I cannot imagine how one can justify a single penny without accounting with results.

    I had suggested previously that the city and the county should conduct a dramatic review of this group, from the point of view of its elimination to its expansion, based on a firm and accountable business plan. We strongly believe that before another tax dollar is delivered, that this commission stand open and transparent with a detailed plan of action, alongside with a financial cost and return report for approval.


    Joseph B Mikhail
    Mikhail Holdings Ltd.

Makes good sense to me. It will be interesting to see if the politicians have the guts to do anything.

Don't count on it!

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