Monday, September 8, 2008

The Star Dilemma: Whelan vs. Watson

What to do, what to do?

The problems that the Windsor Star will have in this election campaign trying to decide who should be supported in the only riding in the area where there will be competition. That riding is Essex where the big fight is between incumbent, Conservative MP Jeff Watson, and Liberal Susan Whelan, the former member.

Susan and her family have been getting some very good coverage in the Star:
  • Justin Trudeau to endorse Whelan in Essex fundraiser

  • Local politicians gearing up for fall election

  • Whelan homestead moving to Heritage Village

  • Whelan-Gorbachev meeting put Russia on path to democracy

  • From Berlin to Windsor, culture is a sure winner

  • Liberal auto policy produced winners

One would almost think that the Star wants her back as an area Member of Parliament given the poor job that Jeff Watson has done as a Member of the Government.

So what does it do with a Henderson column that grudgingly has to give Watson some credit for the big announcement made about the Essex Engine plant. Obviously, they have to print it but what to do about it.

The answer was sheer genius. Bury it on page 5 rather than position it in the usual space on page 3. Since it is Thursday and there is no column in the usual spot, most people will think that Gord is off renovating his new home since it must be having problems again. Most readers probably will skip over page 5 in order to look at the Editorials because they are so enlightening.

In this way, Watson cannot complain and Whalen is not hurt too badly.

Of course, Gord has to be controversial and bring up the fact that Whalen is counsel for the Ambassador Bridge Company. Given the Star’s opinion of that Company, one would think that her representation should be fatal to her as far as the Star and Gord are concerned.

There is no doubt that Henderson will bring up the subject on a number of occasions but he and the Star have to be careful. Over the past year or so, believe it or not, support for the Ambassador Bridge within the community has increased dramatically.

It is not that it has become a beloved institution in his City but rather that people have given them the respect they deserve as being the best border operator in Canada and one of the parties that have made this City so successful.

If one looks at the various surveys taken by the media or the comments made on the Star forums when Bridge Company stories are involved, or sometimes even when they are not but it is an Eddie Francis issue, one can see the support that it has been able to gain.

In a survey run by CKLW that I recall, people believed that the Bridge Company was poorly treated by the City with respect to Indian Road. Their Ambassador Gateway project while inconveniencing people somewhat is proof that they are serious about wanting to ensure that the border run smoothly. How many times have the comments been made to let them get on with the job? While Dan Stamper’s interviews and call-in shows have not exactly been lovefests recently, I cannot remember too many negative calls that came into the radio station when he was on air answering questions. And as far as the trade is concerned, they don’t care what kind of Bridge is built as long as it works properly.

If I was Susan’s campaign manager, I would tell her to proudly state that she does work as counsel for the Bridge Company and that she is the one who is trying to help that Company achieve a solution that is good for the area. In fact, I would advise her to compare her record on the border crossing issue with that of Jeff Watson. Ask which proponent he supported and to make a big deal about it.

Here is what I would suggest that she point out. Sure, the Conservatives finally seem to be agreeing to put money into the Ford plant (and then to talk about all that she has done for the auto industry in this region) but what did Watson accomplish when Stephen Harper was actually down here on the border?

Maybe I missed the news, but I did not hear Harper saying that the Border issue was going to be resolved immediately and that 15,000 new jobs would be created to help out this region. I did not hear Harper saying that the DRIC Road would be built immediately and that the Enhancement Project would be expedited so that this region could prosper economically even if he had to use the excuse that the new bridge was a mere “intermediate” solution. I did not hear Harper say that it is time to end the wasteful DRIC project and save taxpayer money.

Nope, if I was Susan, I would not be afraid of the border issue but I welcome it. In fact, I would make it THE CAMPAIGN ISSUE and dare anyone to oppose what she’s been doing!

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