Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Nutcracker Suite: Dance of the Mighties

It’s a new television season. Have you been watching “Dancing with the Stars” or have you had a chance to see the auditions on “So you think you can dance?”

They are nothing compared with the choreographing that is going on in Windsor these days between the City and the Provincial Government. The star couple by far is the Mighty Mayor of Windsor and the MITI Minister from Queen’s Park who have learned the dance steps so well.

What a nothing story in the Star today about the conversation between the Mayor and DRIC yesterday.

  • “Mayor Eddie Francis says he was left frustrated by his meeting with Detroit River International Crossing representatives on Tuesday, and no progress was made in the "stalemate" between the binational study group and city hall.

    "What surprises me is that over the course of the summer, the discussions that have taken place under the environmental assessment process have not yet resulted in DRIC compromising, or even moving toward a compromise," Francis said.

    "I would characterize this entire process as very difficult and frustrating. Today's meeting was no different than many other difficult and frustrating meetings that I've attended over the course of this file."

That’s it, nothing more? The City is just going to sit back and take what the DRIC consultants want to shove down our throats?

  • “Francis said an additional purpose of Tuesday's meeting was for the city to determine if a solution could be reached in its deadlock with DRIC.”

A fairly frustrated Francis has to be fumingly furious. Say that tongue-twister quickly five times!

In passing, Councillor Halberstadt has to feel vindicated. Remember, he was raked over the coals for using the C-word. Using that term is now acceptable. I sure hope someone apologizes to him:

  • “Francis said the city remains committed to its GreenLink proposal, but "we understand the significance of this project. What we were hoping to have was meaningful discussions under the environmental assessment process, whereby a compromise could be found.”

So that is it. Greenlink is dead. The DRIC bureaucrats win. And it’s all over.


Since when does anyone beat our Mayor? Since when does anyone outsmart him? Since when is someone allowed to play by their rules and not by Eddie’s?

Come on, he is our hero and champion standing up for Windsor’s quality of life. He will not back down or off. He has to protect us and keep those County villains from clogging up our Expressway with Montreal-to-Tijuana international trucks. Heck, he has a future career to protect too. He cannot go out as a dud of a Mayor who failed at everything!

What we see taking place is “Dancing with the Mighties.” No, it is not a missing section of the Tchaikovsky ballet but rather is a series of choreographed steps designed to make our Mayor look like a hero. It is similar to what the auto companies do with the CAW during their negotiations.

Some of the things that happened over the last week or so are now falling into place. Here is a timeline to make it easier for you to understand what is happening:

Sandra on EH-News:

  • Darryl Newcombe: …Cropsey’s amendment would also delay work from starting here in Windsor, threatening the Province’s commitment to have construction begin by the end of 2009.

    MPP Sandra Pupatello: Some of these projects are so huge, they transcend political parties and political behaviour by any one political career. We need to get this done.

Note on Chris Schnurr BLOG based on an out of the Blue call from Sandra's office:

  • But her office stated that the Province of Ontario is “absolutely” committed to construction of the W.E. Parkway so long as there isn’t a lawsuit.

Windsor Star story:

  • "Mayor Eddie Francis meets Tuesday with DRIC consultants to ask what it is they still need to study -- five months after the binational group announced its "final recommendation" on a new border route heavily criticized by Windsor."

Windsor Star story:

  • “Mayor Eddie Francis says he was left frustrated by his meeting with Detroit River International Crossing representatives on Tuesday, and no progress was made in the "stalemate…” What we were hoping to have was meaningful discussions under the environmental assessment process, whereby a compromise could be found.”

Predicting the future:

  • Mighty Eddie and Council threaten litigation by instructing their counsel (David Etrin still?) to prepare immediately a Statement of Claim suing the Province over the DRIC Road for failing to meet the requirements of the EA process.

    MITI Sandra denounces this action as jeopardizing thousands of jobs and threatening to pull the plug on the DRIC Road.

    Moaning and groaning by the strap-on “W” Media praising Mighty Eddie for his tough stance on behalf of Windsorites.

It is pretty obvious that this dance is taking place. It has to be a Mia Michaels dance movement since it is so complex.

All of a sudden the Province is threatening to pull out of building the DRIC Road if the Bridge Company does something foolish (that was the EH-News story) or if Eddie does (Note: When do politicians ever reply to Bloggers unless there is a purpose to be served). Eddie is huffing and puffing in the Star story about DRIC which means that he is going to threaten a lawsuit. Again.

The reality is that this is nothing more than allowing Eddie to save face after the Province turned him down on the Tunnel deal and after saying no to him on Greenlink. Those were two of his key deals and he has failed on them. He really does not dare sue and we all know it. As Eddie said:

  • “we understand the significance of this project.”

Do you really think that he wants to be run out of town along with his Council colleagues as the one responsible for losing 15,000 jobs.

My guess is that the Province will graciously back off to make Eddie look like a hero. Why else did Henderson write the recent nasty Column that he did with respect to Sandra. That was Gord's threat to Sandra to play the game or he would destroy her. If she goes along with Eddie, then Gord will make her a Provincial Star who forced the Premier to knuckle under to what she and Eddie want to do for the good of Windsor.

If Sandra plays along with this, and unfortunately I believe that she is a mere pawn with McGuinty calling the shots, she will look extremely weak and will be susceptible to pressure until the next Provincial Election. She loses her credibility.

Why the Province needs to give in to Francis is beyond me. What option does he have? Just take a look at the Star Forum on the DRIC stories over the past few days. Who supports the Mayor?

Sigh, it is so predictable.

Okay judges, your scores for this dance routine.....

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