Thursday, September 11, 2008

Naysayers Political Action Group Forming

In case you are hearing some very strange sounds around Windsor, do not panic. There is no reason for you to contact the authorities. You are not in danger.

The sounds that you hear are the sounds being made by a number of Windsorites who are imitating a horse nickering. The explanation for this will become absolutely clear when you read the rest of this BLOG.

They could not leave nay enough alone.

Nope, the strap on “W” cheerleaders who throw the soft lobs for the Mayor to hit a home run on his CKLW Morning Drive interview show had to bring up the subject of naysayers again. That allowed the Mayor to attack them as well.

Listen to the clip and you will understand why the Mayor’s comment is completely hypocritical. You see the Mayor will graciously allow people to have an opinion so long as it is based on a “informed” input. Naysayers are those “that do not have information in front of them.”

I finally understand it all. It took the WeACT Freedom of Information Application and the Mayor’s comment to make it absolutely clear. As you will recall, the City wants WeACT to fork over $350,000 to gain information about the 400 Building Audit and the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel deal. Obviously, without that information, members of WeACT are in no position to comment intelligently about the issues.

Accordingly, the only person in Windsor who is allowed to speak on certain issues, because he is the only one who has the information, is the Mayor. He controls it. If you want to share the information, even if you have $350,000 and are willing to spend it, you’ll have to wait 500 days so that the City can gather it all together and decide how much of it that it chooses to disclose to you because of the so-called “mandatory” exemptions under the Statute.

For the next two years therefore on these issues and on any other that is run by the Voice of Council, the Mayor is the only informed person in Windsor who is allowed to speak. His is the only opinion that counts since it is based on input. Everyone else, every citizen, every taxpayer, every Councillor, every man, woman and child in Windsor is a Naysayer. None of us have information in front of us so we cannot form an opinion that is worthwhile listening to.

My understanding is that a number of people became so incensed at the arrogance of the comment of the Mayor that they decided to form a Municipal Political organization. I do not believe that they have chosen a name yet but their mascot is a horse. After all, horses neigh don’t they!

Here is an explanation about why you may hear the “nickers” around the City. The explanation comes from

  • The neigh is the loudest and longest of the horse sounds. The neigh is not a sound of fear. It is used when a horse is being separated from others.

    "Is anyone else here?" - The horse neighs with his head high, looking around for other horses or people. The horse usually neighs several times (if the horse neighs after a companion has answered his neigh, he is usually saying "Where are you".

    "I am here" - A returned nicker made by a fellow horse who hears the original horse's question. This response is also a nicker, meant to tell the other horse that he's not alone.

Do you see what I mean… all that nickering means that the Naysayers are not alone. I'll let you discover for yourself the sound of a nicker. Then you can make the sound and join up too!

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