Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let’s Get Windsor-Essex Moving

Isn't the image how it feels trying to get the border file moving?

If I had added in the word "Please" at the end of the Subject line, then it would have sounded like a Henny Youngman joke. But then again, after you read this BLOG, you will consider the program a huge joke in the way it is being carried out.

"Let’s Get Windsor-Essex" was the name that some sloganeer dreamed up for the name of the Phase 1 Agreement signed between the City and the Senior Levels an eternity ago. Those were the good old days when the three levels of Government seem to be working together with respect to the border file.

There never was a Phase 2 Agreement [sigh]

At Council, an update was given to the Agreement that was signed on March 11, 2004. 2004… almost four and a half years ago. Here are some of the lowlights:


I do not know if I am reading this properly but it seems to me that the work that the Senior Levels are undertaking is probably going to be finished first and perhaps ahead of schedule.

If I am correct, then the reason that we will not be able to use Walker Road is because the City’s part of the work will not be completed at the same time but later. Is it only now that Administration woke up to try to co-ordinate the schedules better? Or rather, does it mean that the City wants to ensure that the public does not find out it is the cause of the delay.


You remember this fiasco:
  • “A $5-million project to improve the the terminal area, access road and dock of the Detroit-Windsor truck ferry is on hold after it was learned a small road section in front of the operation's only access point is privately owned.”

And the consequences if that land was not expropriated immediately:

  • “The original date to put out tenders was April 23. The project was on a strict timeline due to environmental restrictions on when dredging work can be done in the Detroit River -- between July 1 and Oct. 30…

    “As it stands, Ward fears Morterm could play the bad guy "and say 'you can't use our property anymore and we would be forced to close that day."

Oh well there really was no need for urgency. After all, as Mr. Ward stated:

  • “The ferry is the only approved border local crossing for trucks carrying hazardous goods and helps several dozen big rigs daily across the Detroit River. It is also the main crossing alternative to get trucks across the border should there be a major incident or customs lockdown at the Ambassador Bridge.”

Oh my, I wish someone had mentioned this at the Cropsey hearings. It means that there is redundancy for the Ambassador Bridge already. We do not need a DRIC bridge for that purpose anymore.


I am sorry. You going to have to explain something to me.

How can we possibly afford to do a deal with Detroit on the Tunnel when the City has put this project on hold for budgetary purposes? Is there a disconnect somewhere?

My understanding from what has been said at Council is that the cost of the project has risen dramatically and that the parties are negotiating something. I expect that what is being negotiated is how much the Senior Levels will contribute above the $20 million that they are already putting in. If you’ll recall each level of Government was supposed to put in $10 million.

How long has this negotiating been going on for heaven's sake? Around a year I believe! If this and the Ferry expropriation cannot get resolved quickley, then how can the Greeenlink/DRIC road get resolved in a tiemly fashion? It's pathetic.

We have never really been told what the cost increase is due to. I would bet however that the construction costs have risen dramatically, probably as well as the expropriation costs since buildings are empty in the area. Given the experience in other Windsor projects, I would guess that the increase construction has to be fairly dramatic.

There are other very serious issues with respect to this project as well that are going to have to be dealt with one day. But we’ll leave that for another discussion at the appropriate time.


Oh oh, something serious is going on here. There are deficiencies that need to be corrected, although we are not told exactly what they are.

It is bad enough that it takes so long to resolve construction issues, the poor subcontractors at Huron Lodge may have to wait for an eternity to have their issues finalized. However there is an interesting issue that I would like to raise. I thought there was a bonus paid to get the bridge finished earlier:

  • “The contractor, Facca Inc. of Ruscom, added a $406,000 premium to its bid in order to get the bridge done 45 days early so that students could use it sooner. Additional subcontractors were hired to get the work done, Brydges said.”

If there are “deficiencies” such that the overpass is not completed, then why have we paid out an extra $400,000 when the project is not done? It would seem to me if I am correct, and I don’t know what the term of the contract says so I might not be, that the contractor should be refunding the money.

This is going to raise a big fuss I would think with the contractor who thought that he had the job but in the end did not get.

  • “I was having a nice dinner at home. Then I got the acid reflux," said A.M. Razak, president of Oscar Construction Ltd., as he recalled watching city council on cable on May 16 and realizing that a contract to build the "Taj Mahal" of pedestrian bridges was being taken away from his low-bidding firm and given to a Ruscom company that had agreed to an earlier deadline.

    "It was shocking, shocking, shocking. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. 'Hey,' I said, 'They're taking my project away.'" Razak fumed as he saw Mayor Eddie Francis cast the tie-breaking vote to award the contract to a firm which agreed to build the bridge over Huron Church Road 45 days faster for a premium of $406,000, or $9,022 a day.”

    Razak, an affable straight talker, knows the matter is decided and nothing can be done to reverse it, but he's appalled both by the decision and by the way it was handled, with no advance notice from the city that would have allowed him to be present with a delegation to argue his case.”

In the circumstances, I would think that the Mr. Razak now has the opportunity to give some other people heartburn. Where’s the Tums?


Technically, this is not part of the Let’s Get Windsor-Essex Moving strategy. Actually, It’s more along the lines of Let’s Prevent Windsor-Essex Moving.

The most surprised person in the Council Chambers last night had to be Councillor Drew Dilkens. Not only did his Wardmate support his Motion but also so did the Mayor. The Mayor broke the 5-5 tie on the no left turns at Dougall north to westbound E C Row. (Will they need to bring another Motion soon about no left turns to Tecumseh West?).

My recollection from the previous discussion on this matter was that the Mayor did not seem to be particularly supportive of this. After all, NO trucks on Dougall could cause a risk to the Tunnel business.

So why did the Mayor vote the way he did?

In my opinion, we have another stall in Windsor to try to block the DRIC road. It's another variation of the unofficial Interim Control By-law technique. The Mayor announced that we are going to be involved shortly in a massive street by street analysis on truck routes. This would have to be part of the decision-making that would have to be undertaken when the DRIC road was built to see where traffic would go while the construction was underway.

The blame seemed to be put on the Senior Levels for not saying anything to the City about what their plans were. I did not hear anything about the analysis that would have to be done if Greenlink was built but that’s another story.

Obviously then, nothing can be done to build the DRIC Road until such time as the City has completed its analysis. Since it is street by street, I can envisage this taking at least a year or more. And if the Senior Levels dared to try to do something in the interim, such as use EC Row, while there is no way that our Mayor would permit that. No wonder he mentioned again the issue with respect to Manning Road.

I wonder if the Councillors heard about this before or is this something that the Mayor sprung on them again tonight? Aren't they getting tired of this if so? I sure am.

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