Monday, May 5, 2008

Windsor's Email Messaging Scandal

Detroit has their scandal with respect to text messaging. Of course, Windsor has to follow their lead and now we may have one too!

I am sure that you remember the BLOG that I wrote involving the removal of a volunteer, John Middleton, as Chair of the Windsor Citizen Crime Prevention Committee. He accused the City of taking away the Windsor Citizen Crime Prevention Committee's money and co-ordinator thereby jeopardizing their existence and perhaps leading to the closing down of a number of programs for citizens.

I guess that Mr. Middleton was not invited to the Volunteers' dinner the other day. Is "removal" without being allowed to put forward one's side of the story the way people who offer to do things for the City on various committees at no cost are to be treated? Just ask the Windsor Library Board members how they feel.

The interesting part about all of this is that the Windsor Star reported that Middleton has:
  • "250 e-mails he has sent to and received from city employees regarding committee work. "I have nothing to hide," Middleton said."

Has any reporter from the Traditional Media looked at any of these e-mails? Do they know what is in them? What is really going on? Do they lose the "W" strapped to their chest if they do any kind of significant investigative journalism?

Did anyone at Council see any of these e-mails as well before they made their decision to remove him or talk to Middleton or did they rely on an Administrative report? Did anyone perhaps think that there was a conflict of interest involving Administration if Mr. Middleton's story is correct? I would have thought that a Councillor might want to ask a question since Middleton alleged:

  • " city administrators have been even contravening city council instructions."

Is there more? Some really juicy stuff I mean! Is there, and dare I use the word, SEX involved? There are allegations of that in Detroit. Of course, the Blogmeister has investigated and knows the answer to that question. I'll let the traditional media reporters do their own work to find out.

Neither we, the public, nor it appears Mr. Middleton really know what is going on.

  • "Council had some pretty compelling information," said Marra. He said that during his meeting with Skorobohacz, Middleton was not told the names of his accusers, but that there was "a general disclosure of the contraventions." And, Marra added, "the contraventions were very serious."

    Halberstadt said council determined Middleton treated city employees disrespectfully."

What does this mean? How does Marra know what Middleton was told? Did his information come from the Head of Administration, the CAO? On what basis, Counselor Halberstadt, did someone come to the decision that there was a disrespect involved?

Accusers, compelling information and serious contraventions. It sounds like a lot more information needs to be revealed since we are also told that:

  • "Middleton said some longstanding committee members are so fed up with city administration's "interference" they stopped coming to meetings, making quorum difficult.

    Marra validated Middleton's concerns, saying city hall is conducting a financial and operational review to address the issues." dead men prevent crime too now? Remarkably there can be an audit for this and the Library but it takes forever to do one on the 400 Building and no one does an operational audit on WUC.

The City itself seems to be schizophrenic on the matter. How can they remove him from one committee but not from another if his behaviour so poor:

  • "Middleton is also the vice-chairman of the city's property standards committee. Marra said there has been no discussion about having Middleton removed from that post."
Such action on behalf of the City is absolutely reprehensible and the Councillors are not doing anyone a favor by their comments either. It appears that only Administration's side of the story was presented to Council and in camera. Why did no one ask Mr. Middleton for his side of the story before a decision was reached. Where is the fairness in that?

Mr. Middleton's reputation has been besmirched. It appears that he strongly advocated for the position of his Committee and City Hall did not like it. Is that the real reason for his removal? I wish I knew.

However, we will probably never learn what it is unless Mr. Middleton decides to sue the City. There hardly seems to be a point in doing that since he is just a volunteer and he would have to run up legal costs out of his own pocket in order to do so.

It appears without more that the crime that is to be prevented is to dare question and demand answers from Administration.

PS. City Hall just created a Monster and it is their own fault. John has run for office before and with his sign business knows how to communicate to the public. Here is his new website and a pictue above of the start of his ad blitz for it:

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