Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Ultimate "W" Strap-on

I am sure that CKLW's News Director, Jason Moore, can explain the different treatment of news coverage by his station compared with that described by the other local media. I am sure that his website visitors would like to know too!



The Deputy Mayor of Lasalle is sticking up for the City of Windsor. Bill Varga is responding to comments made by Tecumseh Mayor Gary McNamara, who chastised city council for questioning the DRIC group and its border access route proposal. Varga says it's not helping anyone to go on the attack against another municipality. He thinks Windsor council has a right to voice an opinion.


LaSalle deputy mayor walks out on Francis' speech

'I thought it was inappropriate what was said'

Published: Wednesday, May 28, 2008

LaSalle Deputy Mayor Bill Varga walked out of the annual chamber of commerce mayor's luncheon Wednesday, angered by what Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis had to say about LaSalle's proposed Laurier Parkway.

"I thought it was inappropriate what was said," said Varga, a 34-year veteran of municipal politics.

"I listened to the mayor, then he got to where he brought in the Laurier extension. I didn't want to listen to that. He made it sound like we were taking away from Windsor."


Bill Varga Loses Appetite At Mayor Francis's Luncheon

La Salle deputy mayor storms out as Francis gets political over Greenlink

Mayor Eddie Francis chose to politicize his speech to 300 members of the Chamber of Commerce at the annual Windsor mayor's luncheon .

However, by the time he had finished.. 299 guests remained.

CBC News

They also reported that the Deputy Mayor was upset and he said that he could not sit in after what was said that was "totally uncalled for" and not right.

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