Thursday, May 22, 2008

Even More News

Here are some scintillating news stories that may not have caught your attention.


It seems to be. Check out the Detroit News and Free Press websites ASAP for full details.


I had to report this before Gord Henderson found this out and wrote about another tunnel project around the world that he could compare with Greenlink.

This is a photo of the giant drill as it came through the ground in London, England recently near the Tower Bridge to complete the link that is to be found in Brooklyn, New York.

While it is being denied, expect that there will be a strong movement to make this tunnel a passenger one, probably for high speed trains. Expect tremendous airline opposition as well since New York-London is a prime moneymaking route for them. Go to this website to read about the new tunnel between London, England and the New York City area.

Coincidentally, it is the125th anniversary of the Brooklyn Bridge. Bridges and tunnels again.

I know you will not believe it but then again no one expected that Greenlink would be so popular, with City Hall officials anyway.


People sometimes ask whether or not BLOGGERs have any real power. Clearly now the answer is absolutely yes.

As you know I have been writing some scathing BLOGs about the stupidity of the Harper Government in its relations with the United States over the free trade agreement. I have suggested strongly that some politicians and bureaucrats in Ottawa are prepared to risk the Agreement over the issue of the Ambassador Bridge.

It appears that finally Stephen Harper has taken charge of this file. Note what CTV news is claiming:
  • "Harper's chief of staff to resign within weeks

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper's chief of staff is expected to step down from his post within weeks, CTV News has learned.

    Sources told CTV News Wednesday night that Ian Brodie is set to leave his position -- most likely in July.

    Earlier this year, the Tories were hounded by the opposition over reports of Brodie's alleged involvement in the so-called NAFTA-gate affair.

    The affair dates back to the March leak of a Canadian consular document involving U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

    The memo claimed that a senior adviser to Obama told Canadian diplomats that the presidential candidate isn't serious about renegotiating the NAFTA trade deal -- and suggested comments Obama would make on NAFTA are more about political posturing than a real policy plan."

There is no doubt, in my mind at least, that there is a direct connection between my criticism and Brodie leaving. The next question will be when is Ambassador to the United States, Michael Wilson, being told to resign. When that happens, then you will know that there will be an agreement between Canada and the Ambassador Bridge Company immediately thereafter to try and calm down the US Government before our trade with the US collapses completely!


And, if so, is it about to burst? I asked this question because of a story that I saw on the Sympatico/MSN website:

  • "Is your pension plan in trouble?

    The Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, one of the largest defined benefit pension plans in the country, may have to choose between a sharp cut in benefits or an increase in pension contributions as the fund continues to struggle with a $12.7-billion shortfall...

    Next year, teachers will contribute about 12 % of their gross pay into the plan, compared with 8% in 2006. The government matches that contribution rate. But, that last contribution boost looks like it's not going to be enough.

    Why should you care? Well, even if you're not a teacher, this is a blueprint for what's likely to happen to your own pension plan - if you're lucky to have one to begin with."

The question to ask will be whether pension plans will continue to make huge investments in infrastructure hopefully so that they can get returns that will keep contribution amounts down and keep the benefits up or will they realize that the cost of infrastructure investing may be so high with so many dollars chasing a few good deals that other types of investment will need to be discovered.

Could this mean that a P3 investor for the new DRIC bridge which is extremely speculative in the first place will be much harder to find?


That is another myth that is now dead and should not be used as an excuse why we need to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a new DRIC bridge.

I have already explained in a previous BLOG that the Tunnel has not been able to capitalize on the work being done at the Ambassador Gateway project to increase their volume significantly. It just appears that people are not coming to Windsor anymore for a number of reasons I am certain. This phenomenon is not just limited to Windsor as this CTV story points out:

  • "Travel to Canada hit all-time low in March
    May. 20 2008, News Staff

    American and overseas travel to Canada hit a record low in March, Statistics Canada reported Tuesday.

    In total, only 2.3 million foreign visitors, including those from the U.S., came to Canada in March -- a 12.4 per cent drop in travel compared to March 2007.

    March had the fewest number of tourists since record-keeping began in 1972. It also marks a fifth consecutive month of all-time lows for the Canadian tourism industry.

    U.S. residents made only 730,000 trips in March, down 2.5 per cent from the previous month...

    Randy Williams, president and CEO of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada says the StatsCan report is not surprising. His organization has been noticing the significant declines in American tourism to Canada for over five years.

    "Every year we think we hit rock-bottom, and we should start to see a turnaround and it's worse than the year before. We don't know where the bottom of this well is," Williams told

    Williams believes the American market will continue to slip as long as gas prices are high, the U.S. economy is slowing, and lineups at the border are long because of increased documentation requirements."


There are some interesting stories that the Detroit Free Press published recently about

  • "Kilpatrick stocks payroll with friends, kin.

    A Free Press examination of city records shows that at least 29 people with close connections to the mayor have been appointed by Kilpatrick to city jobs since he took office in 2002. That's a significant departure from Detroit's last three mayors, who appeared to have hired far fewer family members or friends."

I wonder what the situation is in Windsor. Is it all based on merit when a person receives a job or does it depend on whom you know? I certainly do not know the answer to the question. Being a relative newcomer to the City, I don't know relationships as well as some others in town might who have lived here for so long or perhaps went to school or were in a social club with the Bigwigs.

Perhaps if anyone is interested you might want to send me connections that you think are valid among the Mayor, Councillors and senior members of the Administration and their friends and families. Might make for an interesting BLOG.

Win a Bluesfest Pass and Help Fight MS

"The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer and it’s time once again to prepare to ride from Grand Bend to London and back to raise funds to help in the fight against multiple sclerosis. My son, Brett, and my spouse, Nancy, will also be joining me.

Through the generousity last year of a great many persons more than $700,000 was raised on the Grand Bend ride alone. Nancy, Brett and I were able to raise over $10,000.00 last year through the generous contributions of persons such as yourself. This put us in the TOP 50 fundraisers in all of Canada. I hope I can count on you to help surpass last year’s total.

As an added incentive if you contribute on-line I am pleased to announce that not only will you receive a tax receipt but your name will also be entered in a draw for two tickets to the Windsor Symphony Side by Side performance May 9, 2009. If you contribute before May 31 there will be a special early bird draw for a weekend pass to the Windsor International Bluesfest July 10 – 13 so you’ll have two chances to win.

People living with MS are counting on us. Please click on or copy the following link into your browser address box to make your pledge on-line today.

Or if you prefer you may also send a cheque payable to “MS Bike Tours” to 1195 Argyle Road, Windsor, ON, N8Y 3K2.

I sincerely thank you for your support.

Many thanks

Wayne Lessard

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