Thursday, May 29, 2008

Breaking BLOG News: Cropsey Slams DRIC

I would not want to be the MDOT spokesperson in Lansing these days who has to deal with the Michigan Legislators on DRIC! Take a look at the Press Release that Michigan Senator Alan Cropsey just issued. That is the Legislative equivalent of the WOW Factor considering who he is.

Cropsey is the Chair of the Special Committee that is going to look at how MDOT handled the DRIC study in Legislative hearings to take place shortly. After all, only $34M has been spent on the study on the American side of the river alone.

I just hope for their sake that MDOT did not dot the "t's" and cross the "i's!" I wonder when Canada's Auditor General will follow along. After all, wasn't there a Blue Water Bridge fiasco recently over a much smaller sum of money!

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