Monday, August 13, 2007

WUC Audit, What WUC Audit

Whoop-de-doo. Are we supposed to jump for joy?

"I'm prepared to make a motion on Monday to request council to ask Minister (Dwight) Duncan or (Minister Sandra) Pupatello to request an audit by the Auditor General's office," Halberstadt said."

Oh Alan, our hero....where is the Motion or Notice of Motion on the agenda or the Order of Business so the public can speak about it and make their comments and suggestions. I hope you do better than at the last meeting where the best you could do is ask a Council question that may take forever to answer [sigh]

I did not see anything on the Council agenda about this matter. Does that mean that Council will bring it up as a "discussion" item so that no one from the public can speak since they have no notice?

Manipulate the agenda because our poor Mayor cannot dare to be blamed. He cannot bear to hear citizens denouncing him for his actions to his face! Spring on a motion that limits what can be looked at and then bury any further discussion for months with

  • "No Comment, this is under investigation"

Control, Secrecy, Manipulation...have they not learned their lessons yet! The public wants answers not more games. Careers are on the line now

Can you believe this remark from the Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget respecting an Auditor General for Windsor. He is so totally predictable:

  • "Coun. Dave Brister said he is awaiting an administration report on the issue before making a decision.

    "Since the WUC issue there has been some questions raised on this," he said. "We have got to ensure we do all we can to keep the public's trust, but also that we are not re-creating the wheel.

    "I want to wait for the report on how best to address that. You want to make sure on something like this before we are spending public dollars."

Yes let Administration continue to think for you. Waste more time so people forget about the issue. After all, wasn't the Councillor a WUC Commissioner during the time period when a lot of the mess occurred. Whatever happened to his vaunted budgetary and financial skills. I did not see him catching any of these problems.

Now he wants to penny-pinch. It's a bit late after the barn door was left open while millions in revenues have not been collected, funds may have been diverted and we face massive increases in water main bills

This Council is the worst one of the three that I have followed closely and we have over three years to go with them until the next election! Thanks Dalton!

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