Thursday, August 2, 2007

Flush Floods Overflow Windsor Sewers

Thank goodness that Gord Henderson reminded us of the East End arena today in his column. You rememeber, when Eddie became Mayor, he advocated for a public-private arrangement where the City's maximum payment was $15M.

Well that idea got royally flushed away. Now we are doing it ourselves at a cost of who knows how much more. That $50M plus money could have been used for our Water system.

Those WUC people are real party poopers! We now need a virtual toilet it seems since too many flushes could bowl over the system. That means more money would go down the drain if a fix was required. We'd get it in the end is effectively the warning we are getting now.

I wonder if it is a load of crap but who knows. That may be why we need caution for the wind.

From A-Channel News:

  • "An internet blog is pitching a synchronized toilet flush to show displeasure with WUC.

    ...the Windsor Utilities Commission warns there could be impacts on the sewer system that taxpayers would then have to pay to fix.

    Vice-President of Water Operations, John Wladarski says, "There is some risk i suppose to the system. I won't say for a moment that it will cause a catastrophic failure but it really is not in the best interest of the system."
I wonder if Eddie will now tell us, to justify sewer increases, that he needs more money for the sewer system since too many people might flush their toilets at the same time.

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