Thursday, August 9, 2007

Quick Comments

Here are some more for you


Here are some very nasty remarks he made in Chile. Does he think that no one reads his speeches? Well actually, that may be the reason he can say what he did. NO ONE reads his speeches.

Does this also help explain why the "American-owned" Bridge Co. is having so many problems with the Federal Government in building their Enhancement Project?

  • "PRIME MINISTER HARPER SIGNALS CANADA’S RENEWED ENGAGEMENT IN THE AMERICAS - Full text of speech released by the PMO July 17, 2007...

    We are undertaking these actions with a sense that the Americas today stand at a crossroads.

    Looking at the region as a whole, and some countries in particular, we have seen some phenomenal success stories of political, economic and social development over the past generation, of which Chile is a shining example.

    In certain other countries, however, we are witnessing cases of regressive economic policy, dangerous political conflict and persistent poverty, social inequality and insecurity.

    While most nations are turning toward economic reform and political openness, too often some in the hemisphere are led to believe that their only choices are - if I can be so bold to say - to return to the syndrome of economic nationalism, political authoritarianism and class warfare, or to become “just like the United States.”

    This is, of course, utter nonsense. Canada’s very existence demonstrates that the choice is a false one.

    Canada is an open, free and democratic society with the strongest economy in the G8 today, while also being a proud and independent country with our own way-of-life.

    Canada’s political structures differ substantially from those in the United States. Our cultural values and social models have also been shaped by unique forces and we've made our own policy choices to meet our own needs.

    We want our role in the hemisphere to reflect these differences while emphasizing the economic and political fundamentals necessary for progress.

    In other words, we want a role that reflects our commitment to open markets and free trade, to democratic values and accountable institutions, but also to our national identity, and our traditions of order and community values.

    But for Canada to play this role, we need partners."


Wow, what a message the CAO gave us suffering Windsor taxpayers when the policy where Senior Managers have to live was revoked:

  • "Now they can live where they want. You don't have to live in the city."

Yes sir, give them the higher Windsor salaries but allow them to be taxed at County rates. Isn't that the best of all worlds! It's a real incentive too for them to keep our taxes low.

The message really is that Windsor Senior Administrators are looking for new jobs so the gossip goes. As you know, a number have already left. Windsor's reputation is so bad that no one who is competent wants to move here.

So change the rules so middle managers who live out of town can work here and then bribe them to move here too by paying relocation expenses up to $5,000!


Now did you take Gord seriously when he said:

  • "Where's the equity when those who recommend tax hikes or service cuts don't experience their consequences? How fair would it be, for example, if Windsor's chief tax enforcer didn't pay Windsor taxes? Or if, say, the individual ultimately responsible for garbage collection had his trash collected in Pointe West? It's a sorry comment when the folks who run the city don't like the way it's being run, at least not enough to live there."

Now come on Gord, name names. Tell us who, if anyone, in the Mayor's Office has lived out of town. Which Administrator has a far commute every day? Who are these 40% who seem to have the best of all worlds? Time for a Star exclusive that discloses all.


Windsor Star Editorial:

  • "Schwartz said "the road should fit itself around the community rather then the community around the road." He compared the border corridor to New York's five-mile long Hudson River Park, a highway project featuring tennis courts, ice rinks, bike trails and gardens. The road is made more discrete by a cover of trees."

City Strategy Session:

  • "The mayor tossed out the idea of assigning selected major city streets to landscape companies for beautification and letting them advertise their work on the improved roadway.

    But parks and recreation commissioner Don Sadler quickly interjected: "You have to sustain it (financially). You can build anything, but can you sustain it?"


Grand visions of Windsor again that Council may try to sell to us after their strategic planning session.

The Sympatico website recently listed a number of "Fabulous family destinations" the other day. Let me identify them for you. Tell me in all honesty if you were a tourist would you visit Windsor or the other spots for a family trip.

"Family travel is becoming more savvy as luxury hotels offer recreational and educational programs geared to children.

Multi-generational travel – often involving parents, grandparents and grandchildren – is not only on the rise, but becoming more upscale.

An increasing number of luxury hotels and resorts now offer recreational and educational programs catering to children. Far from the days when family-friendly hotels offered simple baby-sitting services, these hotels are offering such exotic programs as circus school and crocodile-watching expeditions. Here are some top worldwide destinations for families looking for something a little, well, fabulous.

  • Bovey Castle.
    The entire family will be enchanted by a stay in this real castle set within 368 square miles of the Dartmoor National Park, Devon in southwest England.
  • Treasure Island Resort.
    Fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean can enjoy their own adventures at sea on this tropical Fijian island.
  • Club Med Lindeman.
    This village resort on Australia's Lindeman Island offers an extensive program geared for family fun.
  • Pezula Resort Hotel.
    This luxurious resort located on South Africa's Southern Cape coastline offers an authentic African experience along with lavish accommodation and pampering.
  • Jaguar Reef Lodge & Spa.
    As part of the Belize resort's Walk on Wild Side Family Adventure, children under 18 can stay and eat free. Surrounded by 600 acres of rain forest, the resort offers 7 miles of white sand beach on the Caribbean Sea as well as exceptional snorkeling and diving.

  • BANFF Fairmont Springs
    Styled after a Scottish Baronial Castle, the resort is a perfect base for family explorations into Banff National Park, one of the most beautiful settings in North America. Families can ride horses, swim, hike or bike in this magnificent Rocky Mountain setting.
  • The Toronto-Niagara Bike Train. Via Rail Canada has announced a new travel option for families looking for both train adventure and cycling. The bicycle-friendly rail cars will travel between Toronto's Union Station and downtown Niagara Falls.


I'll give councillor Big Cheese credit for one thing. She admitted that her target with the anti-Blockbusting Motion was the Ambassador Bridge Co.:

  • "I'm tired of dealing with the bridge company," said Postma, adding how she routinely drives down Indian and Edison to check on the condition of the bridge properties since they have become a blight to others who live on the street.

    "(The bridge company) calls themselves community-minded people. But they are far from it -- it's more than just throwing cheques at the symphony, art gallery or university. You need to work with your neighbours."

They are probably her biggest property tax contributor and a resident in her Ward and could create thousands of jobs needed by her Ward residents but SHE won't talk to them. Councillor Big Cheese was the one who said on John Fairley's show according to Chris Schnurr's BLOG that

  • "she was “not interested” in discussing the plans proposed by the Ambassador Bridge because she has allegedly read “all the blogs out there.”
The Motion referred to homes on "one side of their street" deteriorating. DUH...why not jsut put in Indian Road and the homes being purchased in "bad faith."

The Councillor attacks people buying homes "in bad faith?" The Bridge Co. did not. They bought the homes for their project.

I cannot believe that anyone spends money without a plan. So if there is one, the by-law does not apply does it. It is nothing more than a useless exercise designed to harrass and inimidate and to generate bad publicity agaisnt the Bridge Co.

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