Wednesday, August 8, 2007

WATERMAIN-GATE: Judicial Inquiry Needed

Will the number 13 prove lucky or unlucky for Eddie? He was re-elected Mayor on November 13 and the next Council meeting is August 13. The answer is: it depends what happens next.

Hasn't Eddie learned anything yet! He insults the intelligence of Windsorites again. I know we are mere irritants who cannot understand the Big Picture that only he can see.

It seems that our Mayor will graciously allow the WUC matter to come to Council on Monday.

  • "After a flush of protest against the recent water fee hikes, Mayor Eddie Francis said Tuesday he will take a request for a Windsor Utilities Commission audit to city council next week for a "discussion."

    "I've got no problem with an audit," said Francis, who also said he plans to make the content of the C.N. Watson report public after a WUC commissioners meeting on Aug. 15."

Thank goodness we will be allowed to have a nice chat about it and get nothing other than a limited audit. I am sure that Councillors can make another decision away from the public over lambchops at dinner and then let us in on it after everyone has vented. Democracy inaction.

And why should the public have the Watson Report until AFTER the Council meeting. Why arm citizens with any more ammunition to use at the Council meeting! CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL! Secrecy above all.


A full Judicial Inquiry is needed not only to find out what happened at WUC but to uncover the cover-up if there is one! The responsible people have to be identified and suffer the consequences. The truth needs to come out and it should be done in front of an experienced Judge and under oath. Nothing less will be satisfactory!

The Mayor and Councillors Lewenza, Marra, Jones and Brister should have absolutely no further involvement in this matter whatsoever. They have all acted as WUC Chairs or Commissioners during the relevant time period and have an interest in the matter.

If you personally, dear reader, want to have an impact and want your voice heard, give up part of next Monday evening and appear as a delegation at Council and express your opinion.

It is not clear how the matter will be handled at Council or whether you will even be permitted to speak , but call or email Council Services and say that you want to appear:

Council Services Department
350 City Hall Square West, Room 203
Windsor, Ontario Canada N9A 6S1
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-6432
Fax: (519) 255-6868

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