Monday, September 12, 2005

Part III- The Ambassador Bridge Is Falling Down...

Wow. The Star is really hammering the Ambassador Bridge Company isn't it.

On the week-end, we saw an editorial cartoon and today an Editorial. This followed the front-page story in the Star that started all of this and a Gord Henderson Column.

I cannot remember this kind of attention on one issue in a long-time. Ths strange part is, what prompted it? Dave Battegello's story just appeared out of nowhere. It wasn't a new story either. We had heard Schwartz say this months before.

I guess the Star must really concerned about our safety isn't it? If so, then where are the stories demanding that the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel open up its books too. The Tunnel seems to have some big problems that are costing the City many more dollars than expected. After all, isn't the Mayor the head of the Windsor Tunnel Commission?

But there is more to this than what it seems on the surface. Rumour has it that the Mayor will be speaking to Windosr's own Prime Minister Martin about the border soon. The flurry of Star excitement might convince the PM that Bill C-44 needs passing as Gord Henderson demanded. Bill C-44 is really Eddie's underpinning for The Plan! The Plan!

No the series of Star attacks has very little to do with the structural integrity of the Bridge. Rather, they are really in furtherance of the Star crusade to make the next crossing a public one. The Editorial finishes off by saying:
  • "This community desperately needs another border crossing and the controversy over the Ambassador Bridge's maintenance records is just one more reason why that new crossing should be fully financed and owned by the public.
    The vital role ... can best be protected by public ownership, public scrutiny and public vigilance."

I will provide tomorrow a copy of the "Guest Column" that I have tried to have the Star publish on a number of occasions, but which they have refused to do, in which I have argued a different point of view.

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