Thursday, September 29, 2005

Out of Touch, Out of Office

It was not that long ago.

Remember the Special Council meetings, the Ward meetings, the Town Hall type meetings when our political leaders actively sought the views of its citizens on the border. Remember how Council took the lead in determining what was good for our City, even opposing the views of a very strong and powerful Mayor when his viewpoint seemed to differ from that of the vast majority of citizens. Remember how Council stared down Big Government, Big Business and Big Labour to get a seat for the City at the decision table.

I was reminded of this when reading a story about a meeting in the US recently in a local newspaper
  • Residents voice fears to senator at meeting
    By Bobby Ampezzan, The News-Herald
    PUBLISHED: August 28, 2005

    GROSSE ILE — Apparently no island is an island.

  • That was proved by the nearly 800 people from as far away as Dearborn and Detroit who packed Grosse Ile High School's auditorium to participate in a state Senate transportation committee hearing on a proposed border crossing project in the area.

    In the loudest show of protest, the crowd collectively cried "No!" when Grosse Ile Township Supervisor Kurt Kobiljak asked, "Do we want a bridge?" and then "Yes!" to the question, "Do we want this option taken off the list?"

    The meeting was co-chaired by Michigan Department of Transportation Director Gloria Jeff and state Sen. Jud Gilbert (R-Algonac), chairman of the transportation committee.

    State Sen. Bruce Patterson (R-Canton Twp.) coordinated the meeting, and Sens. Raymond Basham (D-Taylor) and Burton Leland (D-Detroit) also sat on the panel.

    Also in attendance were U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-15th District), Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano and Wayne County Commissioner Joe Palamara (D-Grosse Ile), and state Reps. Kathleen Law (D-Gibraltar) and Barbara Farrah (D-Southgate).

    Jeff was joined by MDOT Senior Project Manager Mohammed Alghurabi, who heads the Detroit River International Crossing Project on the U.S. side

Sure I understand that the US side is a lot further behind where we are but they are catching up quickly as they become aware that their communities are at risk.

However, and this is vital to understand, it should also be clearly noted that we are at crunch time; decisions as to the best crossings are to be made shortly. Politicians on the US side seem to understand this and understand "power politics." They also seem to understand that they better listen to the Voice of the People if they intend to be re-elected.

They are rallying their citizenry, publicizing meetings and getting people out to make it clear that a crossing is NOT going into their area. And all of the top politicos are in attendance too, listening and acting! As are the bureaucrats who take their orders from the politicians in the end.

Contrast that with what is taking place in Windsor. What is our position? A secretly endorsed Schwartz proposal without any input from citizens. A Mayor and Council that ran scared when the infamous Agenda Item #5 was placed before Council and 16 people within days appeared ready to blast what was being proposed. A City that is isolated from the decision-makers at the Senior Levels; a population that is in the dark, not knowing what is going on; bureaucrats running the show.

Did our Mayor and Council have the guts to listen to those who elected them? Were they willing to re-consider their position? No, they ran and "deferred" the discussion when the Schwartz proposal was put on the public agenda. They knew they would be soundly defeated!

Rest assured that our Mayor and Council are still having their secret border sessions. I have heard that the Mayor keeps asking them if they still support his billion-dollar short-term dream and they concur in secret again. Who knows what other schemes they are hatching in secret (See my Blog on "The Plan! The Plan!)

Our Mayor and Council are out of touch. They have forgotten how they were elected and why. Last time around, there was a big turnover on Council. I know that a number of people are thinking seriously about their plans for running for office. After all, the next election is only about a year away!

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