Thursday, September 8, 2005

Part II--The Ambassador Bridge Is Falling Down...

The Plan! The Plan! is unfolding.

Proposed federal legislation, Bill C-44, effectively puts the Ambassador Bridge out of business. It really is the basis of Eddie’s border Plan (see Blog dated September 6, 2005). It allows for:
  • regulation of the use that may be made of international bridges or tunnels by different types of vehicles;
  • regulation of the tolls, fees and other charges and
  • its expropriation since the Government can acquire, hold, dispose of and otherwise deal with shares of a corporation that owns or operates an international bridge or tunnel.

By a remarkable co-incidence, Gridlock Sam in his Report suggested that there be re-routing of trucks, setting aside the profit-motive for the greatest good for the greatest number and even revenue sharing among participants.

However, didn’t we just see a few days ago that Bill C-44 will not likely become law for another year or ever since there is no doubt but that the Bridge Company would litigate the "expropriation" of its business.

That kills Eddie’s PLAN doesn’t it. No control over the border means the Tunnel’s business suffers and a third crossing would never get financed or would go bankrupt because of low tolls or lack of traffic (perhaps like a parking garage that the City could then scoop up at fire-sale prices?)

Never fear. The strategists have been working overtime. Rumour has it that our Mayor will be speaking to the PM again shortly. Obviously he will bring up the border situation. Why would the PM do anything different now? The Star's Schwartz story about possible bridge problems and Henderson’s Bridge Co. secrecy column are the reasons.

Obviously the Ambassador Bridge is a structural risk as Sam and Gord have told us this week, never mind a terrorist risk as Senator Kenny has stated. And we must have the power to look into the Bridge Co’s affairs. [I wonder why Sam and Gord did not ask also for a complete opening of the books at the Windsor/Detroit Tunnel while they were at it since it is 50% owned by the City. After all, the Mayor is the head of the Windsor Tunnel Commission so information should be freely forth-coming. Taxpayers need no more surprises like the huge extra costs for the ventilation building!]

I got it! Now I understand why we had the front-page Sam Schwartz story about the shape of the Bridge. Now I understand why we read about the Ambassador Bridge secrecy in Henderson’s column today. Now I understand Henderson's plea: "we need quick passage of federal legislation Bill C-44."

Eddie must have Bill C-44 passed if The Plan! The Plan! is to have any chance of moving forward. Sam's and Gord's comments and the discussion at another in camera Council border session a few days ago will be used to try to pressure the PM.

Who knows, perhaps the PM during their next discussion will beg Eddie to run for the Liberals in the soon-to-be-announced federal election and become a Cabinet Minister too so that the border has a chance of moving forward.

I told you those strategists were working overtime. Their Real Plan! Their Real Plan! is unfolding.

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