Tuesday, February 9, 2010

UPDATE: Canada's Trial Balloon Popped

Whoever dreamed up floating a story that Canada wanted to buy the Ambassador Bridge better look for a new job.

That went over like a lead balloon.

It completely undermined Canada's DRIC position and destroyed the rationale created at a cost of $60M or so that created the lies that kicked out the Bridge Company from building a new crossing. It merely proved that the Bridge Company's location was best and that Canada is running the show to put Moroun out of business so that he would sell out cheaply.

I still do not understand its purpose unless it was to tell Moroun in advance how much Canada would pay and nothing more. I guess whoever is Canada's negotiator is too petrified to meet Moroun face-to-face with an insulting offer.

Time to put the story to bed before it causes any irreparable damage:
  • "Spokesman for fed transport minister says no offer made for Ambassador Bridge

    WINDSOR, Ont. — Transport Canada confirms it has held talks with the owner of the Ambassador Bridge, which spans the Detroit River to connect Windsor, Ont., with Detroit.

    But a spokesman for Transport Minister John Baird says no offer has been made to buy the bridge from Manuel (Matty) Moroun.

    James Kusie says in an email the government has had discussions on a variety of topics with Moroun, but won't comment on the details."

I wonder what brilliant idea Canada will come up with next.

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