Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Haiti And Dubai Ports #2 Update

My speculating is not so bad after all is it. Canada still is trying to control the border with the US.

And Prime Minister Harper is leading the charge for Canada.

Why he is still bothering, I have no idea. The US does not have any interest in discussing the subject as the US Ambassador clearly indicated in the CTV interview.

What else does Stephen have to do? Parliament is prorogued.


It did not take very long for Prime Minister Harper to suck up to President Obama over Haiti as I predicted to see if that would work in helping take over the Ambassador Bridge:
  • "PM, Obama to work together on long-term help for Haiti

    CTV.ca News Staff

    U.S. President Barack Obama has thanked Canada for its relief efforts in Haiti, and agreed to work with Prime Minister Stephen Harper in providing long-term help for the battered and poverty-stricken country.

    The two leaders spoke on the phone Friday and discussed the importance of short- and long-term efforts to rebuild Haiti, and provide relief to the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants left struggling after the Jan. 12 earthquake."

    Canadian Press made it even clearer that I was right. It is enough to make me sick as it should make you:

    "U.S. President Barack Obama called Harper Friday, the Prime Minister's Office said in an email. The two men discussed the continuing international efforts to help Haiti, the PMO said. They also discussed international developments and the importance of continuing to work together on security issues."

Stephen needs to thank the Governor General for making that call possible! One day she will figure out how she was used as a tool for the PM.


Great quote from MDOT's Mr. Shreck

  • “We have been told by a number of investment firms, lending institutions and major companies that they were very interested in an investment in the border crossing project. They would be investing in the entire construction project; this is not about plaza operations… This is all part of the goal to make the DRIC project efficient as possible and to bring as many jobs as we can to southeastern Michigan.”

So one P3 operator will run both sides of the border. My Dubai scenario is working.

Obviously a guarantee supported by taxpayers will be required because of the Moroun competition and only Canada will offer it since Michigan has no money to do so and the Legislature will not allow it.

When the P3 operator goes broke or wants to sell out, Canada will act and take over the Detroit/Windsor crossing.

Actually, it's a variation of the Port Mann scenario with Macquarie being unable to raise the money and the BC Government taking over the project. It works just as well. And Macquarie is very cosy with MDOT and short-listed to build the DRIC road. Of course, they used to operate the Tunnel for years too.

It would not surprise me to see the same type of game at the Blue Water Bridge since Canada supposedly has the Bridge on its list of assets that can be disposed of or perhaps P3ed. And Windsor wants the Tunnel.

Isn't Canada opposed as well to the Moroun proposal for a bridge in the Buffalo area and wants to expand the Peace Bridge with a possibility of shared border management with all Customs on the Canadian side.

Interesting as well that the Canadian DRTP rail tunnel concept comes back to life just after DIFT is reborn and Moroun being demonized on the Michigan Depot, a key piece of property needed for rail.

Shhhhhh. Don't let any of this out. The Americans will be none the wiser.

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