Thursday, February 25, 2010

BLOGExclusive: Has Councillor Dilkens Been Abducted By Aliens

Or is he on the Mayor's S**T List for some reason?

Oh this is serious. I am not kidding.

At one time, I thought that Henderson might have been spirited away. I had suggested it in relation to a Councillor too:
  • "Wait a minute. Was this column written by Gord? Have any of the columns in the last few months been written by Gord? Museum last week, University this week. They can hardly be said to be "hard-hitting views" from the Star's "provocative city columnist."

    Someone on the Star may be signalling that Gord may have been abducted, by aliens perhaps. I had suggested that concept before in relation to a Councillor

    "The Star quoted him in an early story but something happened between then and now. He must have been abducted by aliens. The published Star story did not mention his quotes."

Check out this BLOG too: "Councillor Dilkens Is A Non-Person"

What other explanation could be the answer when one reads

  • "Neither the acting-mayor, CAO Helga Reidel nor deputy clerk Steve Vlachodimos were able to say what had happened to Dilkens or Gignac"

  • "Drew Dilkens's whereabouts remained a mystery as of Tuesday night."

But wait, the BLOGMesiter may have the answer:

  1. The infamous City Hall amnesia disease
  2. Windsor Star Journalism

I decided to find out if bandidos had kidnapped my Ward 1 Councillor and, as an enquiring media rep even though a mere BLOGGER, I emailed him asking what happened to him.

My email was sent out at 8:58 PM on Wednesday and I received a reply at 12:06 AM Thursday. Now why couldn't the Star do that?

Unfortunately, the explanation was NOT exciting:

  • "I'm on vacation with my family....its u of w [his course] spring break."

And as for no one at City Hall knowing where he was:

  • "I told [Name of Person] that I wasn't going to be back until Monday's public session....I asked him to pull an in camera item from the agenda on march 1st....yet he wasn't aware that I was away......whatever."

Darn, it just means that he and Councillor Marra are in for a rough ride for the next election. How boring.

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