Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Will Edgar Work For Roger

I wonder if Gord would want to bet me on this one.

Oh what might Edgar do if he did not run for Mayor? I don't see a career for him in politics or law in my opinion. I told you before that I thought he was cultivating Roger Penske and I bet he would want to work for him in a senior position. Think I am fooling. Take a look at this story from the Soo:
  • "Torch bearers came from far and wide

    Two Americans, one from Michigan, and one from Wisconsin, were among the runners who helped deliver the Olympic Flame to the Essar Centre on Saturday, on its way to Vancouver for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games.

    It was happenstance that brought Bud Denker to the relay leg through the Sault, even though he has roots just south of the border.

    "Coincidentally, I was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and coincidentally my parents still live in Brimley, and my grandma lives in Sault Ste. Marie, 97 years old," said Denker, 50.

    Denker, who lives in Detroit, but flew in from vacation in California to do the relay, is senior vice-president with transportation giant Penske Corp.

    He said he was offered the relay spot because of the company's relationship with Windsor, Ont., Mayor Eddie Francis.

    "He had his relay about 12 days ago and through that partnership with him, that relationship with him, and working with the downtown Detroit area, I was able to come up here and had the opportunity to run," said Denker."

Poor Roger. Has he now become a "friend" too that might require an Integrity Commissioner investigation if he tried to do a deal with Edgar, say over the airport transportation hub which is really a truck hub as I Blogged before:

  • "Unique in its heritage and formidable in its national and international scope, Penske Corporation is a closely held transportation services company that encompasses retail automotive sales and services, truck leasing, supply chain logistics management, transportation components manufacturing, and high-performance racing."

So many twists and turns in Windsor politics. Roger as an ex-racer would be right at home.

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