Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fairness Commissioner Visits Windsor

Media Release

The International Health Professionals Steering Committee is happy to welcome the Hon. Jean Augustine, Fairness Commissioner for the Province of Ontario, to Windsor on Jan 20th. 2010, to meet with us at the Holiday Inn at 1855 Huron Church Road at

Media representatives will be welcome at

As one of the most underserviced areas in the Province of Ontario, Windsor and Essex County have a desperate need for doctors and other professionals to help ensure the health and well-being of members of our Community.

Windsor is fortunate that many internationally trained health professionals have chosen to live here. Their ability to be able to practice their skills would help alleviate the concerns of area residents in their accessibility to quality care.

We applaud the creation of the Fairness Commission Office and the work of the Commissioner to ensure that the availability of resources, in order resume the practice of their professions, should be transparent, objective, impartial and fair for anyone residing in Ontario.

During her visit, we will be seeking the support and backing of the Commissioner in funding an " Access Centre " for the International Health Professionals, where they can get together with us and others interested in helping them, and receive appropriate resources and training in the needs of our Community, so that they can meet their goals and our needs.

David Wonham, Chairman IHPSC.

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