Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chimczuk Museum Is Still Alive


Chimczuk Museum Inc., the proud owner of the "Chimczuk Museum"TM. name, is delighted to have received official recognition as a Canadian Registered Charity.(# 81604-8078).

As such, we can now issue receipts, for Income Tax purposes, for monetory donations and for Museum items at fair market value.

Joseph Chimczuk died 19 years ago, leaving $1.000.000 to the City of Windsor, to build a museum in his name. This money has grown to about $3million since that time, and we still do not have that Museum.

Chimchuk Museum Inc. hopes that, with full cooperation with the City of Windsor Museum Development Feasibility Study committee, that an appropriate site can be found, and that Joe's dream can finally become a reality.

It is our intention that, in accordance with Mr Chimczuk's expressed wishes, that a business plan can be found that will not load the people of Windsor with a financial burden.

For further information, visit our website, or call 519-252-0267.

We have posted a sign on Riverside East

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