Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Don't Call Me, I Won't Call You And Other Stories

You think I got hit hard when several Councillors asked to be removed from my email list.

Read this from a Windsorite who received this email from a Councillor. Then take a look at other items of interest after too.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent in this email.
  • I am not computer savvy this is true, however I just do not want to meet with you. I do not understand what NEW information you wish to discuss with me other than what you have already explained to me when we met a few years ago or what you have presented to council or what you have emailed to our administration at City Hall. I was cc'd on all correspondence with you from our Manager... and am surprised you are unaware of the process as she has done a fine job of responding to you with what is happening. Perhaps I will ask her to cc Councillor "X" from now on so if you do not understand what the email says, he/she can interpret it for you.

    I am on the {A} Committee. The consultants will hold public meetings of which I am sure you will notified of, for your input. There is no need to meet with me separate of that process. I am an extremely busy person who sits on "Z" committees and several other subcommittees all part of my job which I am glad to participate in, however extra meetings are spent with residents/ property owners from [my] Ward or people dealing with applications.

    My free time is spent with my spouse, children, my motherparent and my elderly grandparents all of which I help to care for. I am glad you have a good relationship with Councillor "X", why don't you meet with him/her and he/she can relay whatever your issues are to me since he/she sees me every Monday! In the future do not email me, you should be corresponding with the Consultants on the project. You will get the chance to meet them when they hold their public meetings.

It would appear that this Councillor has a very limited view of what the job entails. Did you like the insult about NEW information after meeting "a few years ago."

I am not sure what word is best suited to describe the attitude of the Councillor. I will let you decide that for yourself.


Welcome to Councillor Postma who has decided to become a Blogger. She now joins in with Councillor Halberstadt who has been running his Blog for quite some time.

No doubt the bristling Councillor formerly known as Councillor Budget will be upset. In these times of economic distress, I am sure that he will tell his Councillor colleague that she should be devoting her work to charity and not Blogging.

I wonder if now Councillor Lewenza will tone down his anti-Blogger remarks. I must say that for a person who claims that he wants to communicate with the public, I am surprised that he is not a Blogger as well.


I wonder if the Canal has sprung a leak. Wasn't the report prepared by Dave Cooke supposed to be out by the end of February?


Thank goodness that Councillor Dilkens has been able to recover from his strenuous overseas trip. I wonder if he will be asked by his colleagues to report on what he saw in Frankfurt. I am so certain that the public would like to be educated.

Oh, it does not matter anyway. The City approved the BUY FOREIGN AND SOLE-SOURCE consulting agreement with the Lufthansa subsidiary without his words of wisdom. He probably could have stayed at home for all the difference his thoughts made.


The fight over changes to Riverside Drive will be extremely unpleasant.

Already, I understand that a complaint has been filed with the Press Council about Star coverage of the story. I am sure that the Star will reply setting out their position. I would expect that if the Press Council decides to adjudicate on the matter it will set out the grounds of complaint and the Star’s response.

That is an interesting approach to take so early on in the struggle. Obviously, the residents in the area feel aggrieved already and want to ensure that if their complaint is legitimate, such coverage does not continue.

The Star on the other hand will want to justify its actions so that it can report the story in a way that it believes is acceptable.

In addition, the residents in the area have hired a lawyer to fight the City’s Environmental Assessment. As I have Blogged, you really do need to listen to and read very carefully what the area residents are saying. The similarity to another Environmental Assessment is remarkable.

It will be interesting watching the story develop. I would also expect that people will have to be a little bit more careful in the kind of language that they use in this matter.

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