Tuesday, March 24, 2009


For Release
March 24, 2009


Windsor—The Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) study team has received the memo outlining the comments of the Standards Development Branch of the Ministry of the Environment (MOE). We have provided MOE with a detailed response to the comments identified in the March 5th memo. We trust that this will aid in their review. Additional documentation is being prepared to specifically address the comments of MOE. This is a normal part of an environment assessment process.

The DRIC study team is confident in the work completed and we stand by the recommendations and conclusions of the most comprehensive and consultative EA ever undertaken by MTO,including the findings of the Human Health Risk Assessment.

The Human Health Risk Assessment undertaken by the DRIC study team determined that:
  • •There are no additional short or long term human health risks for sulphur dioxide.
    • For NOx and PM2.5, the Recommended Plan results in a lower health risk in comparison to
    the Future No Build scenario.
    • The increased traffic from the Recommended Plan is offset by the decrease in idling from
    the future No Build scenario.
    • The Recommended Plan does not increase incremental cancer risk in comparison to the
    background risk.

We stand by the study team’s findings that The Windsor-Essex Parkway in no way contributes to any increased human health risk factors that would worsen existing conditions. In the case of fine particulate, the future risk to the health of people who live adjacent to The Windsor-Essex Parkway is lower for the Recommended Plan than for the No Build alternative.

The Ministry of the Environment has provided us with all of the comments they received during the public comment period for the DRIC EA study which closed on February 27, 2009. Where there are comments requiring a response, the DRIC study team is providing a response to MOE.

The Ministry of Transportation would like to thank the public, stakeholders and agencies for providing input on the study.

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