Sunday, March 8, 2009

BLOGExclusive: Windsorites Repudiate Mayor And Council On Greenlink

Now I know why our Mayor did not want to know at first how many letters were being sent to the Province about the DRIC Road/Greenlink battle. He knew just as everyone else did that the number of letters of support for Greenlink was going to be minimal notwithstanding the $60,000 that was going to be spent in another advertising blitz with full-page ads in the Star and for radio ads.

After all, only 16,500 postcards were sent in after hundreds of thousands of dollars was spent in Greenlink promotions, $217,000 according to the Mayor although $300,000 was the initial figure suggested. I wonder where the difference went.

What kind of response did our Mayor get this time around. A pathetic one. In answer to a question that I asked of DRIC, I received the following response:
  • “The Ministry of the Environment has forwarded the more than 800 letters that were received during the comment period for the Environmental Assessment Report to the DRIC study team.”

Unfortunately, they did not break down, as I asked, how many letters were sent in after the Teshuba session on letter writing. I suspect, but for that event, the numbers would have been even worse.

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