Monday, December 15, 2008

Let's Play 20 Questions Plus A Few

The questions are easy to ask. It is the answers that are tough to find

  1. The Star finally did a story on the Airport and the amount of money that is going to be given to Board Members. Is there a reason why the Star did not tell its readers that the Chair of the Airport to board right now is our Mayor and that at the Striking Committee, he voted to give himself and his three subordinates those nice amounts of honorarium assuming that they are all still on the Board. There is no need for the Start to give me credit for breaking the story some time ago.
  2. Why hasn't the Star reported that the legal bill for the border file is about $5 million
  3. Has the Star asked the Mayor the cost of the newest Greenlink presentation and whether that was part of the $300,000 that was spent in the last quarter
  4. Why didn't Sam do the Presentation
  5. How can it be that before the Federal election our banking system was so well regulated and after the election the Government had to pump in $75 billion to buy up mortgages?
  6. Where did that $75 billion come from?
  7. If the Government has that much money in petty cash, just lying around, then why wouldn't it have taken some decisive action to assist our manufacturing industries in Ontario so that we would not have had such a massive loss of jobs?
  8. Will Ford be the only one of the Big Three companies to survive?
  9. Since Ford has some of the highest quality and safest vehicles, when will they hire a Marketing Department who can help sell their vehicles
  10. Is it cheaper to buy the entire company than to buy a Big Three vehicle these days?
  11. Will Ken Sr. buy an auto company and become CEO since he has all the answers?
  12. Whatever happened to the Dave Cooke Canal study and does anyone really care
  13. I note that OMERS has opened up a new office in Europe and "the private equity unit of the $52-billion OMERS pension plan invests about 15% of its assets in several funds in Asia and may consider making direct investments in companies in the region." Does this mean that, after teh DRTP fiasco, it has no longer any interest in investing in Canada and in Windsor in particular?
  14. Did any Federal Liberals really take Bob Rae seriously and think that they can win with him as Leader?
  15. Too bad that Michael Ignatieff did not have to run for the Liberal Leadership again. Would Dwight Duncan have been his Ontario Campaign Co-Chair again so that he could run federally next time around?
  16. I noticed that "Tenio Evangelista, Vice-President responsible for Government Relations at Borealis Infrastructure, has endorsed Michael Ignatieff as next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada" the last time around. Will he do so again?
  17. How much money did Eddie want for the Brighton Beach land for the new jail and how much did the Province want to pay?
  18. If Bloggers can catch politicians changing their stories and can post it, then why can't or won't members of the Traditional Media do so as well?
  19. Given that so many members of the Obama transition team are also big donors and bundlers, will people say that it is the same old politics?
  20. Is it significant that Nicolas Sarkozy, the French Presdient spoke with president-elect Barack Obama for 30 minutes while Prime Minister Harper only spoke to him briefly, perhaps in the range of 5-10 minutes?
  21. PM Harper said before his phone call to the President-elect that the "environment and energy, the economy and the financial crisis or international peace and security issues, particularly Afghanistan," were his most important issues to discuss. Considering that he talked about the Windsor bridge with President Bush and was ignored about it, does this mean that building the DRIC bridge is no longer a priority for Canada especially since there is no Minister assigned to the Central Canada border crossings.
  22. If the the Canadian government was considering selling assets, like the CN Tower, "in order to make ends meet," when will Eddie P3 the Tunnel, Enwin and WUC?
  23. While Dwight could take a cheap shot at the Big Three Execs on their planes, why was he so silent about whirlybirds in his past Ministry
  24. If we get only one Councillor per Ward, which Councillors will disappear from view and would you care?

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