Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Eddie Is Our Saviour. Eddie Is Our Saviour.

Poor Dwight. It would not surprise me if the Premier made him write that line a thousand times on the blackboard. Could Dwight had been so misinformed about our Mayor?

The Saturday Star was just like a breath of fresh air. Thank goodness for the Front Page Story by Gord Henderson. I feel so much better that he has told us that:
  • “We will survive”

Geez, the guy is talking in the story as if Chrysler is already gone. He probably knows what he talking about though since he did the story in 2005:

  • DCX studies HQ move: But relocation to Toronto area on back burner, Landry says

    DaimlerChrysler Canada president Steven Landry confirmed Tuesday that the company has been studying the possibility of transferring its Canadian headquarters from Windsor to the greater-Toronto area, but said the issue will be on the back burner for at least another year…

    Losing DaimlerChrysler's headquarters to either Mississauga or Toronto would be a devastating blow to Windsor in terms of white- collar jobs and prestige, especially given that the City of Windsor has poured in excess of $40 million into the downtown office tower development where DaimlerChrysler is the lead tenant.”

Obviously, that earlier story must have rattled our Mayor. There is no doubt in my mind that since that time he has been working diligently and has a Master Plan already set out to so that in an eventuality that Chrysler closes down in Windsor we will transition smoothly to what it is that any has been planning for. Our Mayor is on top of everything.

Speaking of our Mayor, it would not surprise me if he is not at Council all the time or even in the City over the next few days. No, it is not another long-standing family commitment or a snubbing exercise or an exotic trip overseas to save canals or sell onions or drink Red Bull.

My suspicion is that after reading the stories “Feds, Ont. pledge auto aid” and “Harper reassures mayor” the Chairman of the the Board of General Motors may call an emergency Board meeting. I suspect if that happens, as the Detroit Papers are speculating, the CEO of GM Rick Wagoner will be terminated and will be replaced by Roger Penske, the man they call the Captain.

Naturally, who will Roger call first but his good buddy from Super Bowl and the Grande Prix, our Mayor, Eddie Francis. I had Blogged previously that Eddie may well work for Roger one-day.

And why not?

After one letter from our Mayor saying inaction “on Canada's faltering auto industry will lead to the death of Windsor as a city and a community,” the Conservative Government folded. The Premier of Ontario folded.

  • “The federal and Ontario governments have pledged as much as $3.5 billion to bail out the faltering auto industry in Canada, but only if U.S. lawmakers draft a rescue plan for the Big Three automakers first.

    Federal Industry Minister Tony Clement made the announcement Friday night, adding he believes a U.S. bailout of General Motors, Chrysler and Ford is imminent.”

I can just hear Roger screaming into his telephone “Get me Eddie and get me Eddie now!”

I sure hope though that Roger’s secretary can get through. After all, the Prime Minister of Canada called Eddie. It was not just a call, but a “personal” phone call. For those of you who are thinking that Eddie’s staff phoned the Prime Minister’s Office first and that Stephen was just returning the call, shame on you. Why do you think that Eddie was late arriving at the Council meeting awhile ago? He was probably sitting by his phone hoping that the PM would call.

I am so glad that Eddie revealed the contents of that personal phone call for all the world to know about it. Well, not completely:

  • “Asked what the prime minister specifically told him to relieve his concerns, Francis declined to elaborate. "I'm not going to get into the details, but needless to say, I thought that it was a very positive discussion," Francis said. "I felt reassured after the conversation."

Some of you may laugh and say this is completely ridiculous. It was only a 10 minute phone call. What could be discussed during that period of time? May I remind you that 10 minutes was about the amount of time that our Prime Minister who spoke to President elect Obama was given. It would appear then that 10 minutes is an eternity when powerful leaders such as our Mayor speak together.

Even though the border was not discussed since “the sole topic was the auto industry,” the relationship between the City and the Federal Government is solid, clearly much better than with the Province.

We are left with a big nudge-nudge, hint-hint now that all is not settled with DRIC:

  • “Francis said Windsor has enjoyed a good relationship with the federal government, and he's very appreciative of the prime minister reaching out.”

Alright Dwight, say it out loud now and mean it:

  • “I Was Wrong. I Was Wrong.”

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