Friday, December 12, 2008

Did Windsor Get Red Bull

The Arena and Red Bull all in one week. Terrific success for the Mayor. Too bad for him if the City may die if the auto industry does. I wonder if he sent his letter to the PM and Premier by regular mail and it has not been received yet.

Rumour has it that Red Bull has chosen to return to Windsor. My sources claim that the date is toward the end of June, 2009! No wonder Eddie answered how he did at Council about the race.

Now all that Eddie has to do is find the several millions in Sponsorship money so that taxpayers are not on the hook. Better that than pay for an inspector for bus safety or fix WUC watermains for which citizens were hit with an 86% increase.

And Keith Baxter only wanted a paltry $10,000 a year for 5 years. No wonder Council turned him down. He should have asked for more! Here is what he is doing at his expense: The Windsor International Air Show

Presumably this will help our economy just as much as Red Bull. And boy do we need help now.

I am sure that Eddie will ask his friends at the Senior Levels to put up the cash. Too bad that Senator Fortier was not elected. Eddie could have asked his good friend for money since Fortier went to Europe for the Montreal Grand Prix.
  • "Representatives from three levels of government said Thursday they want a look at the books before they commit to any public money to save the Canadian Grand Prix, which was abruptly dropped from the Formula One calendar this week."
They can use that money here instead since Montreal did not get the race. Uh-huh!

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