Monday, October 13, 2008

What Are Friends For

Our sports jock Mayor, Eddie Francis, must be livid. He has to be fuming. He has to be outraged.

It would not surprise me one bit to hear him tell everyone on his CKLW interview show on Tuesday, the day of the federal election, to vote Liberal! That would serve them right.

And why not? Where is the gratitude shown by the Conservatives and the NDP?

Poor Eddie. He had to travel to London, England to try and get the Red Bull air races to come back to Windsor/Detroit. He had to spend several days there handing out his business cards to the movers and shakers from around the world who also came to London for the race. Do you see our Federal Politicians trying to help him out? Not a chance.

Eddie had to go and meet with the people from Detroit Riverfront Conservancy to try to salvage the air races for this region. Imagine that he would be able to meet again with Roger Penske so they could talk about their good times together with Super Bowl and the Grand Prix. Just in case you did not know, Roger is tied at number 321 as well on the Forbes 400 List. Do you see our Federal Politicians trying to help him out? Not on your life.

Instead what does Conservative Michael Fortier do? Does he show gratitude for Eddie’s assistance in helping to stall off the Bridge Company and putting roadblocks in their way to give the DRIC people the chance to build their bridge?

Oh no, he has other people to help:
  • “Federal International Trade Minister Michael Fortier says he is seeking a meeting with Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone to try and save the Canadian Grand Prix [in Montreal] for 2009. Fortier met Thursday with Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay and Quebec Economic Development Minister Raymond Bachand to discuss a course of action.”

What about NDP leader, Jack Layton? You would think that he would be pleased that Windsor sends two NDP MPs to Ottawa. How does he show his gratitude:

  • “NDP Leader Jack Layton says he'd spend federal money to bring the Canadian Grand Prix back.

    Speaking on the Montreal morning television show Salut Bonjour, Layton said the event is very important -- and not just for fans of motor racing.

    He says the event is important to the local economy.

    He says an NDP government would partner with the city and the province of Quebec to help restore the event to the motor racing calendar.”
Well fellows...where are the federal funds for Windsor if I may be so bold to ask? Did anyone call up Eddie asking how Windsor could be helped? There goes Councillor Valentinis asking his question again!

If all that is not bad enough, then those people in the Fort Erie/Buffalo region are trying to muscle in on our idea of sports as an income generator for the region. First THEY want to build a new bridge which Eddie’s good buddy, L. Brooks, says may take business away from this region. Then THEY take OUR Cabinet Minister, Sandra Pupatello, to the United Arab Emirates to help them out:

  • “Talks of building a NASCAR-ready race track in Fort Erie have been revived to the point that several leaders from the town are in Dubai meeting with potential investors.

    Officials from Fort Erie Town Hall confirmed that Mayor Doug Martin, Jim Thibert, general manager of the Fort Erie Economic Development and Tourism Corp., and Sandra Pupatello, the Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Trade are in the United Arab Emirates as central figures in the Ontario International Investment team that is taking part in Dubai’s Cityscape Expo.

    While there, the trio are reportedly meeting with investors in the proposed $150 million (Canadian) speedway that would see a one-mile oval track and grandstand constructed on the west side of the Queen Elizabeth Way highway between Bowen and Gilmore roads — less than two miles from the Peace Bridge…

    The track could have an economic impact in Fort Erie, Niagara Falls and the Niagara Region in the $150 million to $200 million range.”
Why is Sandra helping THEM out when WE could be building a track here.

Hey I have an idea....perhaps Eddie should try to talk to some of his "enemies" instead for help and perhaps money. It cannot be any worse than relying on some of his so-called friends.

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