Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I hope you are enjoying this magnificent holiday weekend.

This is the beginning of the over-indulge season isn't it! All of that delicious food that just has to be eaten. We can diet in the new year!

Most of us have a lot to be thankful for...family, health, a good job, security. However, the stock market melt-down, bankruptcy of major banks world-wide and the problems in the financial market remind us how fragile everything is.

For many of our friends and neighbours, the loss of work because of the slowdown in manufacturing, the decline in house prices and the difficulty in making mortgage payments make this a very difficult time.

Windsorites are very generous, opening their hearts and wallets to complete strangers just to help out in times of trouble. This is one of them.

My daughter came up with an idea...Create-Eh-Cup...which I hope you will consider. It is not too much to ask of you is it but it can help out a family in a tough time of the year. Take a look at what she is suggesting and particiapte.

Send me a copy of your Create-Eh-Cup for her to post but more importantly, start putting aside a toonie. Perhaps you might consider it the cost of "subscribing" to this BLOG!

Thanks for your help.


  • No one should have to suffer this holiday season!

    Think about how much you spend per day on caffeine at your local Tim Hortons, Starbucks, or even at the fast-food drive-thru on your way to/from work, as a social activity or even at school.

    From October 14, 2008 until December 15th, this is my 3-step idea that I’d like to propose to all my friends on Facebook:

    1. Save ONE cup of any size that you purchased and decorate it however you wish. Use wrapping paper, newspaper, if you have kids, have them contribute by painting or colouring, but make sure you put your name on the front and place it somewhere accessible in your house to be displayed.

    2. At the end of each week, place a single toonie in that cup! It’s that easy.
    It's not about how much a person gives (thus the tiny amount of $2/week), it is about getting as many people to participate in a cause to help those in need in our city.

    3. On December 15th, I would love to have everyone send the total amount OR go and buy some groceries and donate to one of the following food banks.

    **Please start sending me photos of all your creative cups and I will post them!**

    Thank you to everyone who is willing to contribute!

For a listing of Food Banks in the area, go to

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