Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So you think the Internet is not a powerful tool, especially for politicians. Think again.

Many major candidates for office in the United States receive huge amounts of money via their e-commerce site on their websites. A hundred or two hundred dollars from a million people in a month makes a very big campaign pot for advertising.

I’m sure that you know that more people watched the Saturday Night Live spoof of the Republican Vice President on the Internet then watched it live on television.

Well it seems that a few of my readers in United States decided that they wanted to have some fun. Unbeknownst to me, they were trying to arrange to have my name added to some of the ballots in several states. Apparently, the US electoral system permits write-ins even on presidential ballots provided that there is a sufficient number of people who are prepared to support the write-in.

These jokesters decided that they would set up a site on the Internet to support my running for office. Apparently they have been unbelievably successful. It must show that the American public is looking for someone to run other than the major party candidates.

Unfortunately for my readers, they don’t even understand their own Constitution. If they did, they would know that a foreign-born person could not be an American President.

Accordingly, I’m going to have to spend some time trying to ensure that my name does not get on the ballot or else the entire vote might be deemed to be illegal. I would hardly want to be the one to be responsible for another Florida-type situation that might result in a US Supreme Court case.

Just to let you know how far this story has gone, here is the website. Click on the video to see the story from the Channel 3 news broadcast in the United States.

Mind you, it was quite a rush seeing my name up there in lights and thinking that some people might actually vote for me. I don’t have the ambition to run for a Senior Level office but maybe a municipal one might be interesting for me.

I know that I could beat Eddie Francis easily if he ran for a third term but I wouldn’t want to take away votes from Bill Marra because clearly he is much more qualified that I am given his background. Moreover, I would not want to split the vote so that Eddie can get back in through the middle.

Dave Cooke....the canal project should sink him while his University experience is no help given the long University strike. Perhaps I should contact Pammie to get her on my side to neutralize Larry Horwitz. After all, I wanted her to have her ceremony on the Ambassador Bridge when she married that Detroit rock star! You know, it would be symbolic: the merging of a Canadian and an American right at the border point.

Hmmm being Mayor, that might be too much work. Perhaps I should consider Ward 1 where I live. After the East End arena fiasco, it would not be too difficult to run against Councillor bristling Brister and win.

What is the name of that campaign manager who’s looking for some work…

PS. In case you have not figured it out, this is all a joke. Thanks to a reader for pointing me to the website.

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