Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Windsor's New Sex Symbol

Forget the Windsor ballet. Forget the legs of a certain Cabinet Minister (and no, I do not mean Dwight Duncan). Windsor has a new sex symbol!

I must admit that it fooled me for awhile. All of those blistering attacks by politicians and others and outraged Editorials in the Windsor Star. I thought it was just politics trying to destroy the image of him being the People’s Councillor.

I naïvely thought that the attacks were designed to discredit him politically since none of the Councillors who were on the Library Board previously have said a word about why they didn’t act if everything was so bad about paying the tuition for Brian Bell. They just sat by and let Alan take the heat for their actions.

But I was wrong, very wrong. It all has to do with the green-eyed monster: jealousy and envy. They cannot stand it that he is getting the looks that they think that they deserve instead.

It’s all about stubble. Take a look at the long explanation on the Bloggers’ friend’s BLOGsite: http://www.alanhalberstadt.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1

Why, the Councillor even has a survey their to ask whether he should cut the stubble or not. When I checked the results, the vast majority suggested that he should cut it.

If you want to know what truly dirty politics is in this City, understand that the survey is being packed by certain people who don’t want the title of sexiest Councillor in Windsor to go to Councillor Halberstadt. They are all demanding that he cut the stubble.

Those jealous and envious people must have read this article published in the Telegraph newspaper in London, England. Need I say more:
  • Women prefer men with stubble for love, sex and marriage

    Stubble is the way to win a woman’s heart, a study has shown. Researchers found that women are more attracted to men with stubbly chins than those with clean-shaven faces or full beards.

    Women participating in the research rated men with stubble as tough, mature, aggressive, dominant and masculine - and as the best romantic partners, either for a fling or a long-term relationships.

    The findings of the experiment, carried out on British women aged 18 to 44, could explain the appeal of actors such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt who cultivate their unshaven look.”

You think I am kidding again, dear reader. You decide if I am or not. Here are a few facts that you may want to consider in making your decision:

  • To which major city across the Atlantic have groups of people from Windsor travelled in the last few months?
  • Who went
  • What did the Councillor call his look.

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