Monday, August 18, 2008

Stories Post-Weekend

There are so many stories coming out that it is hard to cope. I'll keep on trying if you keep on reading!


No wonder we are in serious trouble in Windsor. If Eddie and Council were all elected on their business acumen, we might need the services of Steven Funtig soon.
  • "Low ticket sales threaten city's Grand Prix seats

    Windsorites may lose a chance to sit in specially created "Canadian grandstands" at the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix at the end of the month if more tickets aren't sold, says Mayor Eddie Francis.

    In an attempt to build on the success of last year's Grand Prix on Belle Isle, when Windsor teamed up with Detroit, Francis said this year he pushed for a Canadian grandstand section high up at the start/finish line to provide a great view.

    Yet ticket sales have been slower than expected and Francis said he may soon have to release the reserved tickets to the Grand Prix."
Let us see now. Under this Mayor's business genius, our role in the Super Bowl was to be a snow cleaner if it snowed too much. Under his watch, the Tunnel volumes have dropped, its market share has shrunk and dividends have been reduced to zero dollars. If it were not for the Detroit media telling people about the availability of tickets on this side of the river, the Red Bull numbers would not have gone up as high as they were. And now, we cannot even sell out our Grand Prix tickets.

No wonder the Mayor chose to keep secret certain matters from taxpayers with respect to his pitch in London, England:
  • "A number of issues, which Francis wouldn’t elaborate on, had race directors leaning away from a return the Windsor-Detroit area."

All that we can hope for is that the senior people at Red Bull do not have a subscription to the Windsor Star nor do they come to the Star Online. If they do, then it will be pretty clear that the Red Bull Air Race is not coming to this region next year.

One other small thing that would annoy the heck out of me if I was involved in these big projects from the Detroit perspective. What is wrong with this phrase:

  • "when Windsor teamed up with Detroit."

It is so grating on the nerves. It's just like this expression:

  • "Our track record speaks for itself to host these events," said Francis at the time.

    "From the Super Bowl, to Wrestlemania, to the Grand Prix."

And people thought that they were Detroit events!

By the way, has anyone seen that holiday press release yet? Why isn't Eddie making it public?


Here is a strange note from the WPL:

  • "Alan Halberstadt, chair of the Windsor Public Library Board, previously confirmed that Brian Bell is no longer employed by Windsor Public Library. Additionally, given the high profile of the Brian Bell Issue, the Library Board chair also advises staff that no monies were paid to Mr. Bell at the time of his departure from WPL."

Does this mean he left on good terms or bad terms? Did he decide to leave on his own, say by resigning, or was he terminated? If he was terminated, will he sue? If so, I would expect a claim for wrongful dismissal, disclosing personal information improperly, mental distress and punitive damages.

I wonder if our Mayor would be examined for discovery.

We will find out soon enough.


Eddie has no choice after the Grand Prix fiasco but to go to Porto, Portugal to meet with the Red Bull people to ease any concerns. I mean, seriously, what choice does he have.

But it's OK. He can justify it as well, not by going to see the onion people again, but because Porto is known as the "Cidade das Pontes"(City of Bridges)." He can get some pointers there for our new bridge and his new canals.


A Letter to the Editor in the Windsor Star talking about the BRODE Report captured my interest.

I went back into my archives and found another Letter that talks about the Report in a way that makes sense right now where canals don't:

  • "As Dr. Brode's report outlines, a 30,000-square-foot complex that could house the museum, archives and local history collections would much better suit our needs and bring all of our assets and professional staff together under one roof for increased accessibility.

    Building a new, expanded museum in the Super Anchor Site would create a cultural district for the city featuring the Capitol, the Cleary, Artcite and the Art Gallery of Windsor. This would draw motor coach and school groups, tourists, families and researchers to the core. It would allow one-stop shopping for culture and heritage."

No, let's spend $110,000 on another museum feasibility study which will accomplish some objective of which none of us are aware.

Of course, why should we in Windsor deal with people like former mayoral candidate David Wonham who understands museums and what must be done to ensure that they are not money losers? Why would we ever want to consider a site like The Junction whose owner has already spent money on plans for a museum as I Blogged previously? [BLOG:July 25, 2007 "Windsor's Major New Museum Destination"]

No, this is Windsor where studies are designed to be used to stall and delay but to pretend that we are really doing something.

Here is what I wrote over a year ago that is doable without any pie in the sky ideas. It might even be something that Dave Cooke could buy into:

  • "I just heard the Mayor say on AM 800 this morning that one of the big items at the City's strategic session tonight is to develop a family destination: a family park where families and children can go to spend the time together eg Storybook gardens...

    Well I have a better idea for him and for Windsorites too. One that Eddie is very familiar with since it has been presented to him already. It is one that revitalizes a part of the City that needs help as it has been promised the moon but has received nothing so far, no arena, no urban village. The only actual success in that part of the City, in Ward 2, is a new Tim Hortons it seems.

    How about this:

    Completion of a magnificent community park from the river to the international gardens near University: the Gateway public park

    The building of a huge amphithatre for plays and music just like in Liplock Sam's NYC, the Delacorte Theater, an open-air theatre located in Manhattan's Central Park

    A location for the Chimczuk Cultural Centre and Historical Museum

    A location for the City archives

    The new home for the Spirit of Windsor Engine 5588

    Home for a new Science And Tech centre

    Home for a Planetarium

    Home for an Aquarium

    Family Fun Centre and restaurant

    A new home for former bank facade at the corner of Ouellette Avenue and Riverside which now is in storage

    Do you know where the ideal location for this massive redevelopment is: at the Junction on University Avenue, right beside the Gateway Park!"

PS. The artist's pretty picture is already prepared so we do not need another CAO Approval to spend thousands of taxpayer dollars:


  • "Ontario house prices set to follow Western drop

    Ontario will likely follow major cities in Western Canada into a house price decline, but while its slide should be shallower it will also be more worrisome due to the province's weaker outlook, an economist says...

    More concerning is the softening real estate market in Ontario, he added.

    Hard hit by the auto sector slump, Windsor-Essex became the first major market in the province to post year-over-year house price declines. Now Toronto also appears headed for a drop, with prices rising a scant 1.5 per cent last month, while sales fell by 12.4 per cent and new listings surged by 17.8 per cent.

    “The concern here is that the potential decline in Ontario would not reflect overshooting, but instead the further slowing of an economy that is probably already in recession,” Mr. Tal said."


Instead of going to London, England, why didn't the Development Commission people go to Scotland?

  • "Do I have to do the work for our Development commission and the mayor. Scotland is looking to partner in Canada and they have had an office IN Toronto for two years!

was the comment of my reader who sent me this story. Apparently, YES!

  • "Scotland eager for joint ventures

    The Scottish government has three diplomatic offices across the globe... To that end, the Scottish diplomat was in Ottawa last week, making contacts and laying the groundwork for future trading.

    "The decision to extend the Washington office to include Canada is a significant step, not just in terms of recognizing the importance historically of Canada to Scotland, but also the opportunity that exists to develop a modern relationship based on mutual benefits of trade and investment."

    The push into Canada isn't entirely new. After all, two staff members from Scottish Development International, a trade and investment agency, have been based in Toronto for at least a couple of years. But now the government is adding some political and diplomatic heft to its efforts by having Mr. Naysmith oversee the relationship and liaise with government counterparts."


It should be obvious by now, even to Councillor Valentinis, what is going on and why Windsor suffers

  • "PM's visit to General 'good news' for Hamilton

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper is planning to visit Hamilton Tuesday to make a funding announcement.

    The Spectator has learned the PM is to make the announcement with Industry Minister Jim Prentice and local MPs at Hamilton General Hospital...

    Harper is expected to make a swing through southern Ontario early next week, with a stop in Mississauga Monday, before visiting Hamilton, Kitchener and London.

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