Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Business Acumen

I was going to type out the transcript, but honestly I just could not stop laughing. I could not concentrate on doing the work.

More from the CKLW interview. Is this why people voted for this Mayor and these Councillors: business acumen. Did he learn this kind of acumen in our local School system?

Listen to his remarks. Doesn't it sound as if he is the school Valedictorian talking to the graduating class.

Let us see how Eddie he has been running the Tunnel under his watch:

  • it's value was between $2-300M when Eddie took office according to him and it has lost a major portion of that value

  • it did not have someone who could "breathe the Tunnel" for the longest time

  • it has consistently lost market share for years,

  • it lost a huge portion of its volume and will probably lose more, 1/3 of car traffic from 2003-2007 and 40% of truck traffic

  • the Tunnel Ventilation Building project was over-budget

  • the huge dividends of the past have been reduced from $6M to zero dollars per year

  • the City cannot afford to do the Tunnel Improvement Project even though the Senior Levels are picking up two thirds of the costs

  • it has been identified as a unique security risk

  • it may lose 25% of its business if the new DRIC bridge is built

How long has this deal gone on, how much has it cost us and where are we with it now? The City's loan aplication with Infrastructure Ontario is on hold and so supposedly are the negotiations with Detroit.

Now do you understand why I could not type.

Oh and by the way, after listening to this clip, if I was a member of Council, I would no longer allow Eddie to be my Voice.

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