Friday, January 12, 2007

Who Is Windsor's Champion

If there are any doubts amongst my readers that it will likely be a slug-fest between Sandra Pupatello and Eddie Francis in the next Provincial election, then Gord Henderson's Saturday column should provide the definitive answer.

Another brutal attack on Sandra but with a few nice words about her too because after all, Eddie learned with the 1,000 call centre jobs: he has no power without her money. He is, after all, nothing but a small town mayor and she is a Cabinet Minister so he still needs to use her for his own poltical gains short-term.

Oh there are no absolute guarantees. Sandra might run federally (so ex-Councillor Joyce Zuk would take her place) and Eddie may decide in the last second not to run because he (or more likely, the Tories for whom he will run) cannot win. Eddie won't take any chances as he did not last time around either. His election to a Senior position has to be a virtual sure-thing or he will not run.

Just expect to see more and more anti-Liberal, anti-McGuinty and anti-Pupatello stories over the next few months.

First Eddie's opposition needs to be softened up as is going on now. Beat them up, wear them out. Then we'll know the kick-off to the Francis nomination campaign has started when Henderson starts talking about a John Tory government as he did twice in columns last September (eg. "I'm presuming Duncan and Pupatello are preparing for new careers when the John Tory government assumes power next fall")

We'll know that Eddie is in over-drive when Henderson keeps saying nice things about John Tory personally as he did last March ("Now I understand why John Tory emerged from nowhere in the polls to come within a hair's breadth of becoming mayor of Toronto and why the Dalton McGuinty Liberals have recurrent nightmares about him. The Progressive Conservative leader is a smoothie, a self- assured corporate charmer who can laugh at himself and admit mistakes while conducting damage control with a surgeon's deft touch.")

In the latest Star tunnel story, Sandra was front and centre saying things like:
  • the DRIC's final recommendation may feature the best from each of the road alternatives.

  • ventilation towers or giant fans required for a lengthy tunnel may create a huge cluster of air or noise pollutants in nearby neighbourhoods.

  • "No matter what method we use -- at grade, below grade or tunnel -- someone is going to be negatively impacted by this," Pupatello said. "No one vision is perfect. But it will have to be something that is the least impactful on the community."

  • Comparisons between other tunnels worldwide and Windsor should not be done

  • the Chunnel between England and France "would be a baby (in width) compared to what we need."

As a smart politician, couldn't Sandra figure out that she was being set up for another fall? She thought she was being helpful but instead the Battagello-Henderson one-two punch knocked her for another loop.

Sandra was set up so nicely too. And it could not have been easier. Batagello asks the innocent questions, she answers and Henderson hammers. No matter what she said it was a loser for her. She put her foot in her mouth respecting the Chunnel no matter how she now tries to spin it with the "width" being the issue.

If I were a boxing ring announcer, it would go something like this:

  • Ladies and gentlemen, for the championship fight for the riding of Windsor West...

    In the red corner for the Liberals, Sandra "The Dragon Queen" Pupatello delivering the goods for Windsor, to the tune of $1.4 billion since 2003.

    In the blue corner for the Progressive Conservatives, Eddie "The Legal Technocrat" Francis defending the interests of the people of Windsor with a Plan to achieve a vision of a better tomorrow to make Windsor an even greater city!

And off in one of the private boxes in the arena, almost hidden from view, would be Dwight Duncan laughing himself silly as his two main protagonists punch each other numb. He is keeping his head down and being "non-committal."

He's the King of the Castle. Neither of them can touch him. He will still run Windsor, no matter who wins!

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